This is OmniEdge Frontend, including Homepage, Pricing, Download, Documentation, Blog, and Dashboard unit.
The docs are located in markdowndocs/doc
with specified markdown format, the system will parse them automatically.
Template docs:
title: Dashboard
route: Doc / Dashboard
index: 0
Doc content
The blog posts are located in markdowndocs/posts
with specified markdown format.
Template posts:
title: Open Source Evaluation version and Introduce 1.0 plan
description: OmniEdge is a project we started from a single tweet, a group of network experts from 9 cities across 5 countries gathering together to build a paradigm shift for next-generation peer-to-peer VPN infrastructure.
thumbnail: /assets/posts-images/OmniEdge-Dashboard.png
avatar: /assets/avatar/Yong.jpg
author: Yong QIAN
date: July 08, 20021 · 6min read
Post content
npx next dev
npx next build
- Theme Design
- Paginate for posts
- Parse sub folders for docs
- Download Page
- Contact Us Form
- Features comparation and FAQ for Pricing Page