Credit Card Issuer Market Share Analysis in theEducational Sector This study examines the dynamics of credit cardissuer market share within the educational sector, focusingon trends, competitive landscapes, and potential growth areas.Using data from the College Credit Card Agreements Databasespanning 2009 to 2019, the research unveils a highly concen-trated market dominated by a select few major issuers. Keyfactors influencing issuer preferences are identified, includinginstitution type, new account potential, and geographic location.The study further delineates underserved market segments anddiscusses the implications of these findings for credit card issuers,educational institutions, and policymakers. By providing an in-depth analysis of this unique intersection between financialservices and higher education, this study contributes valuableinsights to ongoing discussions about student financial well-being,institutional partnerships, and regulatory considerations in thisevolving market landscape.
(PDF) Credit Card Issuer Market Share Analysis in the Educational Sector. Available from: [accessed Aug 31 2024].