MultiSigner (multisig) wallets are smart contracts that allow multiple signers to review and agree on an action on the blockchain before the action is executed. For example, a multisig wallet could be used to control ETH, or a smart contract, requiring signatures from at least M of N total signers to execute the action. More generally, it is a type of decentralized governance.
The application is deployed to the rinkeby test network.
- React js (https://reactjs.org/)
- Material UI (https://mui.com/)
- Ethers js (https://docs.ethers.io/v5/)
- Infura (https://infura.io/)
- Solidity Version - above 0.8.0 (https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.8.12/)
- Openzeppelin (https://openzeppelin.com/)
- Truffle (https://trufflesuite.com/)
- Ganache (https://trufflesuite.com/ganache/index.html)
- In the landing page, user need to login with their Metamask (https://metamask.io/) wallet.
- Keep some test ethers (rinkeby) in to that particular wallet.
- If there are any Transactions exist, it will be displayed.
- If you are the owner, you can approve the transaction.
- If you are not an owner, you can only view the transactions. Not able to do any operations.
- Using Infura with Truffle (https://trufflesuite.com/guides/using-infura-custom-provider/index.html)