- GCC compiler
- Ubuntu
From the root directory of project, run make
followed by ./a.out
NOTE: Each .c file of function has it's corresponding .h file in which function prototype is defined.
- Welcomes user with welcome message :p.
- reads previous history from history.txt file.
- calls the display function for to print prompt.
- takes the input and updates the history.
- tokenize on the basis of ;.
- calls the functions based upon the input user enters.
- prints the history onto file if user press exit.
- If input is just space/ tabs the program continues to run ie asks user for next input ignoring space / tab entered previously. -Maximum size of input assumed to be MAX_LIMITS is 2000.
Counts the total ampercant and tokenize on basis of ampercant.
After this tokenize on basis of tab and spaces.
Compare total ampercent with no of commands seperated with & then all are background else you have last as foreground and rest of background.
compares command with echo/ls/discover/history/pwd etc and calls corresponding functions.
When user enters "exit" then prints the last 20 processes onto history file
If command matches with none of defined processes then execvp runs it else commmand is declared invalid.
It runs the foreground and background processes by forking and providing each background process with pid and printing adequate error .
(used for running process in background) can come anywhere in command. -
REDIRECTION was taken care of by considering all three cases and adequately redirecting them using dup2 and stdout/stdin.
PIPELINE so pipeline is redirecting output of one command to another as input inbilt pipe function was used for the same.
- CTRL C: handled via sendling signal SIGINT , on going fg process is terminated.
- CTRL Z: handled via SIGTSTP / WIFSTOPPED. Here fg process is sent to background and its status is set to stopped.
- CTRL D: check by the empty buffer. ONce detected , user is logged out of terminal.
- If prompt doesn't appear due to any reason press "ENTER"
- If you want to exit the program ie exit the shell don't forget to enter "EXIT" since it updates the history.txt.
- IN fg prompt total time of all fg processes is printed.el sleep 2 ; sleep 4 & sleep 6 will give took 8.(6+2)
- In redirection it's asssumed that there will be appropriate spaces.
- Prints prompt onto the screen make use of inbuilt functons like getcwd, gethostname, geteuid for user id .
- Checks for terminated child processes in case background process runs.
- Prints appropriate statement onto screen depending on how to process has exited.
- In case we have foreground process and it takes more than 1 sec to execute then prompts prints the time along on just next prompt.
- Prints tokenized arguments given after echo onto screen.
- Any multiple spaces and tabs are ignored ie tokenized.
- Example echo hi (double tabs) fine is printed as hi fine.
- prints the present working directory onto the screen.
- prints the desired information onto screen which includes the process status such as S(Static)/R(R+ : running), virtual memory.
- Information was extracted from /stat/ , /prc/ , /exec/ files via use of /status/ etc
- 4th and 7th value helps checking if the process is fore ground or not. -for when no argument is passed along with pinfo then getpid() gives you the value of pid of current running shell.
- Navigate to different directories depending on users input
- cases of navigating to existing folder, home directory , '.',"..","~","-" etc are handled.
- Prints all files/sub-directories in a location.
- Flags implemented:
where a corresponds to printing "." and "..". - Multiple directories supported.
- SCANDIR used for scanning file via struct dirent
- Prints the minimum of (total commands entered, 10). Three functions work together for history these are read history from the history.txt file for previous executon , secondly write_history this regularly updates the history depending on command entered by user given not same as previous command.
- Last recent 20 commmands are stored in history.txt file.
- NOTE before exiting any process one must enter "EXIT" because i put condition of writing onto file in this since you require txt file for next process.
- print all the content of directory given.
- in case no directory specified , home directory is assumed to be directory
- flags '-d' and '-f' were implemented for directory and files.
- IN discover if -d flag is there the file / file search won't be there since only since d flag.
- Order should be considered fro input directory flags file name
- if some file is searched then only its path is printed depening on flags (-f) should exist.
- it takes two parameter that is the serial numer og the job and signal number
- on getting a signal a corresponding kill is generated
- for knowing the job number user must enter the command : jobs first since ordering might change with time depending on executed commands.
- it prints the list of all process in background
- takes flag as "-r" and "-s" where r is to print all running processes and "-s" for stopped , structure was used and was sorted on basis of q sort.
- Serial number of commands may keep varying from command to command as user might enter command such as "fg" which changes array by removing a process.
- it brings the process at given serial number to foreground and executes it.(state changed to runnning)
- once a process is brought ot foreground , its deleted from background array and hence the jobs are reordered.
- not considered mentioning the time took for this case.
- it runs the given job number process in background.
- Process runs like a normal background process and terminates .
- Once terminated it's instance is removed from background array.