What's Changed
- 🌱 Bump ocm to latest by @zhujian7 in #463
- 📖 Update Readme to use go install by @zhujian7 in #464
⚠️ rename bootstrap sa name by @zhiweiyin318 in #466- ✨ Initialize hub with aws irsa by @jaswalkiranavtar in #465
- ✨ Add changes to clusteradm accept to disable csr update based on annotation on ManagedCluster by @jeffw17 in #468
- ✨ ✨ Feature/auto approval registration by @ramekris3163 in #470
- 🌱 Bump golang to 1.23 by @zhujian7 in #473
- ✨ Adding support for adding aws tags by @jaswalkiranavtar in #471
- 🐛 Fix broken link to getting started docs. by @aushacker in #475
- 🐛 Apply crds first by @zhujian7 in #477
⚠️ Remove tech-preview policy compliance-history API by @dhaiducek in #479- 🌱 Update version to v0.16.0 by @qiujian16 in #478
New Contributors
- @jeffw17 made their first contribution in #468
- @ramekris3163 made their first contribution in #470
- @aushacker made their first contribution in #475
Full Changelog: v0.10.1...v0.11.0