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franzpoeschel committed Apr 26, 2021
1 parent c68ff97 commit a1bb1e0
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Showing 2 changed files with 287 additions and 1 deletion.
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions test/CoreTest.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
# define OPENPMD_private public
# define OPENPMD_protected public

#include "openPMD/ChunkInfo.hpp"
#include "openPMD/openPMD.hpp"

#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
Expand All @@ -19,11 +21,78 @@

using namespace openPMD;

namespace test_chunk_assignment
using namespace openPMD::chunk_assignment;
struct Params
ChunkTable table;
RankMeta metaSource;
RankMeta metaSink;

size_t sourceRanks,
size_t sinkRanks,
size_t in_per_host,
size_t out_per_host )
for( size_t rank = 0; rank < sourceRanks; ++rank )
Offset{ rank, rank }, Extent{ rank, rank }, rank );
Offset{ rank, 100 * rank }, Extent{ rank, 100 * rank }, rank );
metaSource.emplace( rank, std::to_string( rank / in_per_host ) );
for( size_t rank = 0; rank < sinkRanks; ++rank )
metaSink.emplace( rank, std::to_string( rank / out_per_host ) );
void print( RankMeta const & meta, ChunkTable const & table )
for( auto const & chunk : table )
std::cout << "[HOST: " << chunk.sourceID )
<< ",\tRank: " << chunk.sourceID << ",\tOffset: ";
for( auto offset : chunk.offset )
std::cout << offset << ", ";
std::cout << "\tExtent: ";
for( auto extent : chunk.extent )
std::cout << extent << ", ";
std::cout << "]" << std::endl;
} // namespace test_chunk_assignment

TEST_CASE( "chunk_assignment", "[core]" )
using namespace chunk_assignment;
test_chunk_assignment::Params params;
params.init( 6, 2, 2, 1 );
test_chunk_assignment::print( params.metaSource, params.table );
ByHostname byHostname( make_unique< RoundRobin >() );
FromPartialStrategy fullStrategy(
make_unique< ByHostname >( std::move( byHostname ) ),
make_unique< BinPacking >() );
ChunkTable res = assignChunks(
params.table, params.metaSource, params.metaSink, fullStrategy );
std::cout << "\nRESULTS:" << std::endl;
test_chunk_assignment::print( params.metaSink, res );

TEST_CASE( "versions_test", "[core]" )
auto const apiVersion = getVersion( );
REQUIRE(2u == std::count_if(apiVersion.begin(), apiVersion.end(), []( char const c ){ return c == '.';}));

auto const standard = getStandard( );
REQUIRE(standard == "1.1.0");

Expand Down
219 changes: 218 additions & 1 deletion test/ParallelIOTest.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#include "openPMD/auxiliary/Environment.hpp"
#include "openPMD/auxiliary/Filesystem.hpp"
#include "openPMD/openPMD.hpp"
// @todo change includes
#include "openPMD/benchmark/mpi/OneDimensionalBlockSlicer.hpp"
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>

#if openPMD_HAVE_MPI
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1177,4 +1179,219 @@ TEST_CASE( "adios2_ssc", "[parallel][adios2]" )

void adios2_chunk_distribution()
* This test simulates a multi-node streaming setup in order to test some
* of our chunk distribution strategies.
* We don't actually stream (but write a .bp file instead) and also we don't
* actually run anything on multiple nodes, but we can use this for testing
* the distribution strategies anyway.
int mpi_size{ -1 };
int mpi_rank{ -1 };
MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size );
MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank );

* Mappings: MPI rank -> hostname where the rank is executed.
* For the writing application as well as for the reading one.
chunk_assignment::RankMeta writingRanksHostnames, readingRanksHostnames;
for( int i = 0; i < mpi_size; ++i )
* The mapping is intentionally weird. Nodes "node1", "node3", ...
* do not have instances of the reading application running on them.
* Our distribution strategies will need to deal with that situation.
// 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 ...
writingRanksHostnames[ i ] = "node" + std::to_string( i / 2 );
// 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2 ...
readingRanksHostnames[ i ] = "node" + std::to_string( i / 4 * 2 );

std::string filename = "../samples/adios2_chunk_distribution.bp";
// Simulate a stream: BP4 assigns chunk IDs by subfile (i.e. aggregator).
std::stringstream parameters;
parameters << R"END(
"type": "bp4",
<< "\"" << std::to_string( mpi_size ) << "\""
<< R"END(

auto printAssignment = [ mpi_rank ](
std::string const & strategyName,
ChunkTable const & table,
chunk_assignment::RankMeta const & meta )
if( mpi_rank != 0 )
std::cout << "WITH STRATEGY '" << strategyName << "':\n";
for( auto const & chunk : table )
std::cout << "[HOST: " << chunk.sourceID )
<< ",\tRank: " << chunk.sourceID << ",\tOffset: ";
for( auto offset : chunk.offset )
std::cout << offset << ", ";
std::cout << "\tExtent: ";
for( auto extent : chunk.extent )
std::cout << extent << ", ";
std::cout << "]" << std::endl;

// Create a dataset.
Series series(
parameters.str() );
* The writing application sets an attribute that tells the reading
* application about the "MPI rank -> hostname" mapping.
* Each rank only needs to set its own value.
* (Some other options like setting all at once or reading from a file
* exist as well.)
series.setMpiRanksMetaInfo( mpi_rank ) );

auto E_x = series.iterations[ 0 ].meshes[ "E" ][ "x" ];
openPMD::Dataset ds(
openPMD::Datatype::INT, { unsigned( mpi_size ), 10 } );
E_x.resetDataset( ds );
std::vector< int > data( 10, 0 );
std::iota( data.begin(), data.end(), 0 );
E_x.storeChunk( data, { unsigned( mpi_rank ), 0 }, { 1, 10 } );

Series series( filename, openPMD::Access::READ_ONLY, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
* Inquire the writing application's "MPI rank -> hostname" mapping.
* The reading application needs to know about its own mapping.
* Having both of these mappings is the basis for an efficient chunk
* distribution since we can use it to figure out which instances
* are running on the same nodes.
auto rankMetaIn = series.mpiRanksMetaInfo();
REQUIRE( rankMetaIn == writingRanksHostnames );

auto E_x = series.iterations[ 0 ].meshes[ "E" ][ "x" ];
* Ask the backend which chunks are available.
auto const chunkTable = E_x.availableChunks();

printAssignment( "INPUT", chunkTable, rankMetaIn );

using namespace chunk_assignment;

* Assign the chunks by distributing them one after the other to reading
* ranks. Easy, but not particularly efficient.
RoundRobin roundRobinStrategy;
auto roundRobinAssignment = assignChunks(
chunkTable, rankMetaIn, readingRanksHostnames, roundRobinStrategy );
"ROUND ROBIN", roundRobinAssignment, readingRanksHostnames );

* Assign chunks by hostname.
* Two difficulties:
* * A distribution strategy within one node needs to be picked.
* We pick the BinPacking strategy that tries to assign chunks in a
* balanced manner. Since our chunks have a small extent along
* dimension 0, use dimension 1 for slicing.
* * The assignment is partial since some nodes only have instances of
* the writing application. Those chunks remain unassigned.
ByHostname byHostname(
std::make_unique< BinPacking >( /* splitAlongDimension = */ 1 ) );
auto byHostnamePartialAssignment = assignChunks(
chunkTable, rankMetaIn, readingRanksHostnames, byHostname );
readingRanksHostnames );
rankMetaIn );

* Assign chunks by hostnames, once more.
* This time, apply a secondary distribution strategy to assign
* leftovers. We pick BinPacking, once more.
* Notice that the BinPacking strategy does not (yet) take into account
* chunks that have been assigned by the first round.
* Balancing is calculated solely based on the leftover chunks from the
* first round.
FromPartialStrategy fromPartialStrategy(
std::make_unique< ByHostname >( std::move( byHostname ) ),
std::make_unique< BinPacking >( /* splitAlongDimension = */ 1 ) );
auto fromPartialAssignment = assignChunks(
fromPartialStrategy );
readingRanksHostnames );

* Assign chunks by slicing the n-dimensional physical domain and
* intersecting those slices with the available chunks from the backend.
* Notice that this strategy only returns the chunks that the currently
* running rank is supposed to load, whereas the other strategies return
* a chunk table containing all chunks that all ranks will load.
* In principle, a chunk_assignment::Strategy only needs to return the
* chunks that the current rank should load, but is free to emplace the
* other chunks for other reading ranks as well.
* (Reasoning: In some strategies, calculating everything is necessary,
* in others such as this one, it's an unneeded overhead.)
ByCuboidSlice cuboidSliceStrategy(
std::make_unique< OneDimensionalBlockSlicer >( 1 ),
mpi_size );
auto cuboidSliceAssignment = assignChunks(
cuboidSliceStrategy );
"CUBOID SLICE", cuboidSliceAssignment, readingRanksHostnames );

TEST_CASE( "adios2_chunk_distribution", "[parallel][adios2]" )
#endif // openPMD_HAVE_ADIOS2 && openPMD_HAVE_MPI

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