This is an OpenCL runtime implementation that adheres to the ICD loader specification as per cl_khr_icd.
The intention is to provide a simulator that can be used during testing of the wrapper libraries.
This is work in progress
The repository is archived and unmaintained. Please see Maintenance Notice for further details.
You need to build the runtime library and register it as a potential vendor runtime.
To build this library, you need an OpenCL SDK installed on your system. Refer to the documentation on opencl-go on how to do this.
cd cmd/opencl-go-sim-rt
go build -buildmode c-shared .
mkdir --parents /etc/OpenCL/vendors
# as root:
echo "(path-to-so)/opencl-go-sim-rt" > /etc/OpenCL/vendors/opencl-go-simulator.icd
extension specification: Khronos ICD Loader:
This project is based on the MIT License. See LICENSE