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Add final touches on INA219 implementation; Add language translations;
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gvidinski committed Sep 29, 2024
1 parent a118567 commit 896ba53
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Showing 32 changed files with 256 additions and 95 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions airrohr-firmware/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ Additional Libraries needed for building:
* [LiquidCrystal I2C]( (1.1.2)
* [EspSoftwareSerial](
* [TinyGPS++]( (1.0.2) (GNU Lesser Public License >=2.1)
* [Adafruit INA219]( (1.1.1) (BSD)

## Source Layout
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ consistency accross and within the particular translation.
| BME280 | BMX280 | const | `airrohr-firmware.ino` | 0x77 (default) or 0x76 |
| BM085: | Adafruit_BMP085 | BMP085_I2CADDR 0x77 | `Adafruit_BM085.h` | 0x77 |
| BM180: | Adafruit_BMP085 | BMP085_I2CADDR 0x77 | `Adafruit_BM085.h` | 0x77 |
| INA219 | Adafruit_INA219 | ina219_i2c_addresses[] | `Adafruit_INA219.h` | 0x40 (default), 0x41, 0x44, 0x45 |

Do not forget to update the table above when you are implementing a new I2C device.

Expand Down
27 changes: 17 additions & 10 deletions airrohr-firmware/airrohr-firmware.ino
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
* latest build
* RAM: [==== ] 41.8% (used 34220 bytes from 81920 bytes)
* Flash: [======= ] 67.1% (used 701191 bytes from 1044464 bytes)
* RAM: [==== ] 41.8% (used 34276 bytes from 81920 bytes)
* Flash: [======= ] 67.8% (used 708175 bytes from 1044464 bytes)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2449,15 +2449,21 @@ static void webserver_status()
add_table_row_from_value(page_content, FPSTR(SENSORS_SDS011), last_value_SDS_version);
if (cfg::enable_battery_monitor){
String battery_state_str = String(battery_voltage_mV / 1000.0) + "V | " + String(battery_status) + "%";
add_table_row_from_value(page_content, FPSTR(INTL_BATTERY_CHARGE), battery_state_str);
String battery_state_str = ina219_init_failed
? "- V | - %"
: String(battery_voltage_mV / 1000.0) + "V | " + String(battery_status) + "%";
add_table_row_from_value(page_content, FPSTR(INTL_BATTERY_STATE), battery_state_str);

String current_draw_str = current_draw_mA >= 1000
? String(static_cast<float>(current_draw_mA) / 1000.0) + "A"
: String(current_draw_mA) + "mA";
String current_draw_str = ina219_init_failed
? "- mA"
: current_draw_mA >= 1000
? String(static_cast<float>(current_draw_mA) / 1000.0) + "A"
: String(current_draw_mA) + "mA";
add_table_row_from_value(page_content, FPSTR(INTL_CURRENT_DRAW), current_draw_str);

String power_consumption_str = power_consumption_mW >= 1000
String power_consumption_str = ina219_init_failed
? "- mW"
: power_consumption_mW >= 1000
? String(static_cast<float>(power_consumption_mW) / 1000.0) + "W"
: String(power_consumption_mW) + "mW";
add_table_row_from_value(page_content, FPSTR(INTL_POWER_CONSUMPTION), power_consumption_str);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5636,7 +5642,8 @@ static bool initINA219()
ina219 = Adafruit_INA219(ina219_i2c_addresses[i]);
debug_out(String(F("Trying INA219 sensor on ")) + String(ina219_i2c_addresses[i], HEX), DEBUG_MIN_INFO);
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -6309,7 +6316,7 @@ void loop(void)

if(cfg::enable_battery_monitor && !send_now)
if(cfg::enable_battery_monitor && !ina219_init_failed && !send_now)
if (msSince(battery_start_time) > SAMPLETIME_BAT_MS)
Expand Down
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions airrohr-firmware/intl_bg.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,11 +129,16 @@ const char INTL_SIGNAL_QUALITY[] PROGMEM = "Качество на сигнала
#define INTL_SENSOR "Сензор"
#define INTL_PARAMETER "Параметър"
#define INTL_VALUE "Стойност"
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Активиране на монитора на батерията";
const char INTL_BATTERY_CHARGE[] PROGMEM = "Заряд на батерията";
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Активиране на монитора на батерията (INA219)";
const char INTL_BATTERY_STATE[] PROGMEM = "Състояние на батерията";
const char INTL_CURRENT_DRAW[] PROGMEM = "Консумация на ток";
const char INTL_POWER_CONSUMPTION[] PROGMEM = "Консумация на енергия";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MIN[] PROGMEM = "U min на батерията (mV):";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "U max на батерията (mV):";
const char INTL_ADC_DIVIDER_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "U max при делителя на АЦП (mV):";
const char INTL_INA219_SELECT_CALIBRATION[] PROGMEM = "Изберете калибриране";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_2A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 2A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_1A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 1A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_16V_400MA[] PROGMEM = "16V, 400mA";

//const char LUFTDATEN_INFO_LOGO_SVG[] PROGMEM = "<svg xmlns=\"\" width=\"128\" height=\"128\" viewBox=\"0 0 128 128\"><path fill=\"#009A93\" d=\"M123.58 77.76c0-6.22-3.2-11.66-7.96-14.66 2.36-3.87 3.73-8.42 3.73-13.3 0-14.1-11.44-25.52-25.53-25.52-4 0-7.8.93-11.17 2.57C80.63 19.6 74 14.3 66.1 14.3c-7.7 0-14.22 5.07-16.4 12.07-3.05-1.2-6.4-1.87-9.88-1.87-14.94 0-27.06 12.07-27.16 27-5.43 4.47-8.9 11.3-8.9 18.95 0 13.5 10.8 24.45 24.1 24.45h79.32c9.07-.06 16.4-7.7 16.4-17.14z\"/><path fill=\"#fff\" d=\"M55.5 49.92v19.05c0 9.37-7.64 17-17.1 17-9.36 0-17-7.63-17-17 0-9.38 7.64-17.02 17-17.02h.7V56h-.7c-7.1 0-12.88 5.84-12.88 12.96 0 7.13 5.77 12.97 12.9 12.97 7.2 0 12.96-5.85 12.96-12.97V49.92c0-7.2-5.77-12.97-12.97-12.97-7.1 0-12.8 5.78-12.8 12.9v.75h-4.2v-.75c0-9.37 7.7-17.02 17-17.02 9.5 0 17.1 7.65 17.1 17.1zm-5.47 0v19.05c0 6.37-5.17 11.54-11.62 11.54-6.3 0-11.5-5.1-11.5-11.5 0-6.3 5.2-11.5 11.6-11.5h.7v4.1h-.7c-4.1 0-7.5 3.4-7.5 7.5s3.4 7.5 7.5 7.5c4.2 0 7.6-3.4 7.6-7.5V49.9c0-4.2-3.3-7.57-7.5-7.57-4.1 0-7.5 3.38-7.5 7.5v.75H27v-.75c0-6.37 5.17-11.55 11.54-11.55 6.46 0 11.63 5.18 11.63 11.62zm-5.47 0v19.05c0 3.37-2.7 6.14-6.15 6.14-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6.1 0-3.4 2.7-6.1 6.1-6.1h.7V67h-.7c-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2.02 0 1.1.9 2 2 2 1.2 0 2.1-.9 2.1-2V49.9c0-1.2-.9-2.1-2.1-2.1-1.1 0-2 .9-2 2.03v.75h-4.1v-.75c0-3.38 2.7-6.08 6.1-6.08 3.5 0 6.2 2.7 6.2 6.15zm13.94-2.17v-15h4.05v15H58.5zm4.05 38.16H58.5V49.2h4.05v36.7zm1.42-38.1v-15h4.05v15h-4.05zm0 38.2V49.2h4.05v36.7h-4.05zm5.48-38.1v-15h4.04v15h-4.1zm0 38.2V49.2h4.04v36.7h-4.1zM93.43 33c9.38 0 17.02 7.56 17.02 17 0 9.37-7.64 17-17 17h-.7v-4.1h.68c7.13 0 12.9-5.76 12.9-12.9 0-7.2-5.77-12.95-12.9-12.95-7.2 0-12.96 5.78-12.96 12.98v36h-4.05V49.9c0-9.45 7.57-17.02 17.02-17.02zm0 5.4c6.38 0 11.55 5.16 11.55 11.6 0 6.37-5.17 11.54-11.54 11.54h-.68v-4.1h.67c4.13 0 7.5-3.37 7.5-7.5 0-4.2-3.37-7.5-7.5-7.5-4.2 0-7.5 3.3-7.5 7.5V86h-4.1V49.9c-.03-6.46 5.17-11.6 11.6-11.6zM91.33 86H87.3V49.9c0-3.37 2.76-6.14 6.14-6.14s6.07 2.8 6.07 6.17-2.7 6.06-6 6.06h-.7v-4.1h.7c1.2 0 2.1-.9 2.1-2.1s-.9-2.1-2-2.1-2.1.9-2.1 2.1v36.1zm8.18 0h-4V68.24c1.4-.2 2.7-.5 4-. 1.16.2 1.68v17zm5.5 0h-4V69c0-.76-.1-1.44-.3-2.1 1.3-.6 2.5-1.28 3.6-2.1.5 1.5.8 2.62.8 4.2v17zm1.4-17c0-1.8-.3-3.38-.9-5.03 1.1-1.04 2-2.1 3-3.22 1.4 2.8 2.1 5.1 2.1 8.27v17h-4.1V69zm-79.8 39.1c1.3.4 1.8 1.27 1.8 2.7 0 2.1-1.2 3-3.9 3h-3.4c-.2 0-.4-.12-.4-.4v-10.45c0-.26.2-.4.4-.4h3.2c2.7 0 4 .9 4 2.96 0 1.3-.5 2.1-1.5 2.6v.1zm-2.4-.86c1.3 0 1.9-.46 1.9-1.46s-.5-1.46-1.9-1.46h-1.5v2.94h1.5zm.3 4.8c1.3 0 1.9-.48 1.9-1.53s-.6-1.5-1.9-1.5h-1.8v3.1h1.8zm16.2-1.96c0 2.55-1.4 3.94-3.9 3.94s-3.9-1.37-3.9-3.92v-7.13c0-.26.1-.4.4-.4h1.3c.2 0 . 1.58.6 2.32 1.9 2.32 1.3 0 1.9-.74 1.9-2.32v-6.98c0-.26.1-.4.4-.4h1.2c.2 0 . 3.34c0 .28-.1.4-.4.4h-6.2c-.2 0-.4-.12-.4-.4v-10.45c0-.26.2-.4.4-.4h1.3c.3 0 . 0 . 2.7-1.4 4.16-4 4.16s-4.1-1.43-4.1-4.06v-3.52c0-2.63 1.4-4.07 4.1-4.07 1.7 0 3 .6 3.7 0-.5-.2-.5-.8-1.2-1.1-2.2-1.1-1.3 0-2 .8-2 2.5v3.1c0 1.7.7 2.5 2.1 2.5 1.4 0 2.1-.9 2.1-2.6v-.4H61c-.25 0-.4-.2-.4-.4v-1c0-.3.15-.4.4-.4h3.27c.28 0 . 3.5c.1.28 0 .45-.3.45h-1.4c-.2 0-.3-.1-.4-.3l-.5-1.77h-4l-.5 1.76c-.02.2-.2.3-.4.3h-1.3c-.3 0-.4-.16-.3-.43l3.4-10.5c.08-.2.2-.3.45-.3h1.5c.2 0 . 10.5zm-4.6-8.4L71.2 110h3l-1.5-5.06zm11.1 8.46c0 .27-.1.4-.4.4h-1.2c-.2 0-.4-.13-.4-.4v-10.46c0-.26.2-.4.4-.4h3.1c2.8 0 4.1 1.15 4.1 3.5 0 1.75-.7 2.85-2.2 3.3l2.3 4c. 0-.37-.08-.47-.27l-2.1-3.96H84v3.9zm1.5-5.6c1.4 0 2.1-.55 2.1-1.72 0-1.2-.6-1.77-2-1.77H84v3.5h1.46zm10.9 5.6c0 .27-.1.4-.4.4h-1.2c-.2 0-.4-.13-.4-.4v-10.46c0-.26.2-.4.4-.4H96c.26 0 . 0 .44-.3.44h-1.3c-.2 0-.4-.1-.4-.32l-.5-1.76h-4l-.52 1.76c-.1.22-.2.32-.45.32H101c-.3 0-.4-.17-.33-.44l3.4-10.5c.08-.2.2-.3.45-.3h1.5c.2 0 . 10.5zm-4.6-8.42l-1.4 5.05h3l-1.42-5.05h-.02z\"/></svg>";

Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions airrohr-firmware/intl_br.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,5 +128,15 @@ const char INTL_SIGNAL_QUALITY[] PROGMEM = "Qualidade do Sinal";
#define INTL_SENSOR "Sensor"
#define INTL_PARAMETER "Parâmetro"
#define INTL_VALUE "Valor"
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Аtivar monitor de bateria (INA219)";
const char INTL_BATTERY_STATE[] PROGMEM = "Status da bateria";
const char INTL_CURRENT_DRAW[] PROGMEM = "Consumo de corrente";
const char INTL_POWER_CONSUMPTION[] PROGMEM = "Consumo de energia";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MIN[] PROGMEM = "Bateria U min (mV)";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "Bateria U max (mV)";
const char INTL_INA219_SELECT_CALIBRATION[] PROGMEM = "Selecione a calibração";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_2A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 2A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_1A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 1A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_16V_400MA[] PROGMEM = "16V, 400mA";

#include "./airrohr-logo-common.h"
12 changes: 8 additions & 4 deletions airrohr-firmware/intl_cn.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,11 +129,15 @@ const char INTL_SIGNAL_QUALITY[] PROGMEM = "信号质量";
#define INTL_SENSOR "传感器"
#define INTL_PARAMETER "参数"
#define INTL_VALUE "价值"
const char INTL_BATTERY_CHARGE[] PROGMEM = "电池充电";
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "启用电池监控器 (INA219)";
const char INTL_BATTERY_STATE[] PROGMEM = "电池状态";
const char INTL_CURRENT_DRAW[] PROGMEM = "电流消耗";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MIN[] PROGMEM = "电池 U min (mV)";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "电池 U max (mV)";
const char INTL_ADC_DIVIDER_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "ADC分频器 U max (mV)";

const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_2A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 2A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_1A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 1A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_16V_400MA[] PROGMEM = "16V, 400mA";

#include "./airrohr-logo-common.h"
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions airrohr-firmware/intl_cz.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,10 +129,15 @@ const char INTL_SIGNAL_QUALITY[] PROGMEM = "Kvalita signálu";
#define INTL_SENSOR "Senzor"
#define INTL_PARAMETER "Parametr"
#define INTL_VALUE "Hodnota"
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Povolit sledování baterie";
const char INTL_BATTERY_CHARGE[] PROGMEM = "Nabíjení baterie";
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Povolit sledování baterie (INA219)";
const char INTL_BATTERY_STATE[] PROGMEM = "Stav baterie";
const char INTL_CURRENT_DRAW[] PROGMEM = "Odběr proudu";
const char INTL_POWER_CONSUMPTION[] PROGMEM = "Spotřeba energie";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MIN[] PROGMEM = "Baterie U min (mV):";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "Baterie U max (mV):";
const char INTL_ADC_DIVIDER_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "Dělič ADP U max (mV):";
const char INTL_INA219_SELECT_CALIBRATION[] PROGMEM = "Vyberte kalibraci";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_2A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 2A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_1A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 1A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_16V_400MA[] PROGMEM = "16V, 400mA";

#include "./airrohr-logo-common.h"
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions airrohr-firmware/intl_de.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,10 +129,15 @@ const char INTL_SIGNAL_QUALITY[] PROGMEM = "Qualität";
#define INTL_SENSOR "Sensor"
#define INTL_PARAMETER "Parameter"
#define INTL_VALUE "Wert"
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Batteriemonitor aktivieren";
const char INTL_BATTERY_CHARGE[] PROGMEM = "Batterieladung";
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Batteriemonitor aktivieren (INA219)";
const char INTL_BATTERY_STATE[] PROGMEM = "Batteriestatus";
const char INTL_CURRENT_DRAW[] PROGMEM = "Stromaufnahme";
const char INTL_POWER_CONSUMPTION[] PROGMEM = "Stromverbrauch";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MIN[] PROGMEM = "Batterie U min (mV):";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "Batterie U max (mV):";
const char INTL_ADC_DIVIDER_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "ADW teiler U max (mV)";
const char INTL_INA219_SELECT_CALIBRATION[] PROGMEM = "Kalibrierung auswählen";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_2A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 2A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_1A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 1A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_16V_400MA[] PROGMEM = "16V, 400mA";

#include "./airrohr-logo-common.h"
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions airrohr-firmware/intl_dk.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,10 +129,15 @@ const char INTL_SIGNAL_QUALITY[] PROGMEM = "Kvalitet";
#define INTL_SENSOR "Sensor"
#define INTL_PARAMETER "Parameter"
#define INTL_VALUE "Værdi"
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Aktivér batteriskærm";
const char INTL_BATTERY_CHARGE[] PROGMEM = "Batteriopladning";
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Aktivér batteriskærm (INA219)";
const char INTL_BATTERY_STATE[] PROGMEM = "Batteristatus";
const char INTL_CURRENT_DRAW[] PROGMEM = "Strømtræk";
const char INTL_POWER_CONSUMPTION[] PROGMEM = "Strømforbrug";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MIN[] PROGMEM = "Batteri U min (mV):";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "Batteri U max (mV):";
const char INTL_ADC_DIVIDER_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "ADK divider U max (mV):";
const char INTL_INA219_SELECT_CALIBRATION[] PROGMEM = "Vælg kalibrering";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_2A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 2A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_1A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 1A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_16V_400MA[] PROGMEM = "16V, 400mA";

#include "./airrohr-logo-common.h"
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions airrohr-firmware/intl_ee.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,10 +129,15 @@ const char INTL_SIGNAL_QUALITY[] PROGMEM = "signaali kvaliteet";
#define INTL_SENSOR "Andur"
#define INTL_PARAMETER "Parameeter"
#define INTL_VALUE "Väärtus"
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Luba aku monitor";
const char INTL_BATTERY_CHARGE[] PROGMEM = "Aku laadimine";
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Luba aku monitor (INA219)";
const char INTL_BATTERY_STATE[] PROGMEM = "Aku olek";
const char INTL_CURRENT_DRAW[] PROGMEM = "Voolutarve";
const char INTL_POWER_CONSUMPTION[] PROGMEM = "Energiatarve";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MIN[] PROGMEM = "Aku U min (mV)";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "Aku U max (mV)";
const char INTL_ADC_DIVIDER_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "ADC eraldaja U max (mV)";
const char INTL_INA219_SELECT_CALIBRATION[] PROGMEM = "Valige kalibreerimine";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_2A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 2A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_1A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 1A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_16V_400MA[] PROGMEM = "16V, 400mA";

#include "./airrohr-logo-common.h"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion airrohr-firmware/intl_en.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ const char INTL_SIGNAL_QUALITY[] PROGMEM = "signal quality";
#define INTL_PARAMETER "Parameter"
#define INTL_VALUE "Value"
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Enable battery monitor (INA219)";
const char INTL_BATTERY_CHARGE[] PROGMEM = "Battery status";
const char INTL_BATTERY_STATE[] PROGMEM = "Battery status";
const char INTL_CURRENT_DRAW[] PROGMEM = "Current draw";
const char INTL_POWER_CONSUMPTION[] PROGMEM = "Power consumption";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MIN[] PROGMEM = "Battery U min (mV)";
Expand Down
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions airrohr-firmware/intl_es.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,10 +129,15 @@ const char INTL_SIGNAL_QUALITY[] PROGMEM = "Calidad de Señal";
#define INTL_SENSOR "Sensor"
#define INTL_PARAMETER "Parámetro"
#define INTL_VALUE "Valor"
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Habilitar monitor de batería";
const char INTL_BATTERY_CHARGE[] PROGMEM = "Bateria cargada";
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Habilitar monitor de batería (INA219)";
const char INTL_BATTERY_STATE[] PROGMEM = "Estado de la batería";
const char INTL_CURRENT_DRAW[] PROGMEM = "Consumo de corriente";
const char INTL_POWER_CONSUMPTION[] PROGMEM = "Consumo de energía";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MIN[] PROGMEM = "Batería U min (mV):";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "Batería U max (mV):";
const char INTL_ADC_DIVIDER_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "Divisor CAD U max (mV):";
const char INTL_INA219_SELECT_CALIBRATION[] PROGMEM = "Seleccionar calibración";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_2A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 2A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_1A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 1A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_16V_400MA[] PROGMEM = "16V, 400mA";

#include "./airrohr-logo-common.h"
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions airrohr-firmware/intl_fi.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,10 +129,15 @@ const char INTL_SIGNAL_QUALITY[] PROGMEM = "signaalin laatu";
#define INTL_SENSOR "Anturi"
#define INTL_PARAMETER "Parametri"
#define INTL_VALUE "Arvo"
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Ota akkumonitori käyttöön";
const char INTL_BATTERY_CHARGE[] PROGMEM = "Akun varaus";
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Ota akkumonitori käyttöön (INA219)";
const char INTL_BATTERY_STATE[] PROGMEM = "Akun tila";
const char INTL_CURRENT_DRAW[] PROGMEM = "Virranotto";
const char INTL_POWER_CONSUMPTION[] PROGMEM = "Virrankulutus";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MIN[] PROGMEM = "Akku U min (mV)";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "Akku U max (mV)";
const char INTL_ADC_DIVIDER_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "ADC-jakaja U max (mV)";
const char INTL_INA219_SELECT_CALIBRATION[] PROGMEM = "Valitse kalibrointi";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_2A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 2A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_1A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 1A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_16V_400MA[] PROGMEM = "16V, 400mA";

#include "./airrohr-logo-common.h"
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions airrohr-firmware/intl_fr.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,10 +129,15 @@ const char INTL_SIGNAL_QUALITY[] PROGMEM = "Qualité du signal";
#define INTL_SENSOR "Capteur"
#define INTL_PARAMETER "Paramètres"
#define INTL_VALUE "Valeur"
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Activer le moniteur de batterie";
const char INTL_BATTERY_CHARGE[] PROGMEM = "Charge de la batterie";
const char INTL_ENABLE_BATTERY_MONITOR[] PROGMEM = "Activer le moniteur de batterie (INA219)";
const char INTL_BATTERY_STATE[] PROGMEM = "État de la batterie";
const char INTL_CURRENT_DRAW[] PROGMEM = "Consommation de courant";
const char INTL_POWER_CONSUMPTION[] PROGMEM = "Consommation d'énergie";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MIN[] PROGMEM = "Batterie U min (mV):";
const char INTL_BATTERY_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "Batterie U max (mV):";
const char INTL_ADC_DIVIDER_U_MAX[] PROGMEM = "Diviseur de CAN U max (mV):";
const char INTL_INA219_SELECT_CALIBRATION[] PROGMEM = "Sélectionner l'étalonnage";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_2A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 2A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_32V_1A[] PROGMEM = "32V, 1A";
const char INTL_INA219_CAL_16V_400MA[] PROGMEM = "16V, 400mA";

#include "./airrohr-logo-common.h"

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