Based on UBI9 - Python 3.9
Image Name | Image URL |
Jupyter Minimal | link |
Jupyter Data Science | link |
Jupyter PyTorch | link |
Jupyter TrusrtyAI | link |
Runtime Data Science | link |
Runtime PyTorch | link |
Runtime CUDA TensorFlow | link |
CUDA Jupyter Minimal | link |
CUDA Jupyter Data Science | link |
CUDA Jupyter TensorFlow | link |
Based on UBI8 - Python 3.8
Image Name | Image URL |
Jupyter Minimal | link |
Jupyter Data Science | link |
Jupyter PyTorch | link |
Jupyter TrusrtyAI | link |
Runtime Data Science | link |
Runtime PyTorch | link |
Runtime CUDA TensorFlow | link |
CUDA Jupyter Minimal | link |
CUDA Jupyter Data Sience | link |
CUDA Jupyter TensorFlow | link |
What's Changed
- Add workflow_dispach option on the GH action to allow manual trigger by @atheo89 in #79
- Set default env vars for ssl_sa_certs and sa_token path by @harshad16 in #77
- Remove the default Pipeline runtime config by @harshad16 in #70
- Updated TrustyAI image to TrustyAI 0.2.12 by @tteofili in #67
- Allow elyra pipeline config mount on ~/runtimes dir, by @harshad16 in #65
- Provide runtimes image in workbench images, by @harshad16 in #64
- Include runtime images into workbench images, by @harshad16 in #63
- Add documentation for notebooks image update process, by @atheo89 in #61
- Include elyra package in all data science workbenches, by @harshad16 in #58
- Include Trusty AI on OOTB notebook images, by @atheo89 in #51
- Switch tensorflow-gpu module with tensorflow, by @harshad16 in #46
- Enable jupyterlab-s3-browser plugin on buildtime, by @harshad16 in #45
- Add weekly piplock refresher GitHub workflow, by @atheo89 in #37
- Switch pip-tools/pip_compile function to Pipfile/pipenv for requirements, by @atheo89 in #33
- Update Cuda images to ubi9, by @VaishnaviHire in #32
- Update notebooks buildchain to support ubi9 - part, by @atheo89 in #30
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0