A helper module to perform builds using local shell and docker.
This module is used extensively throughout other OpenDevSecOps projects as well as secapps.com.
The module is automatically published to the Terraform Module Registry. More information about the available inputs, outputs, dependencies, and instructions on how to use the module can be found at the official page here.
The following example can be used as starting point:
module "acme_archive_builder" {
source = "opendevsecops/archive-builder/null"
version = "1.0.0"
source_dir = "../src/"
output_dir = "../build/"
name = "acme"
prefix = "emca"
command = "pip -r requirements.txt"
container = "python"
Later you can use the output to deploy a lambda layer for example:
resource "aws_lambda_layer_version" "main" {
filename = module.acme_archive_builder.output_file
source_code_hash = module.acme_archive_builder.output_file_hash
layer_name = local.name
compatible_runtimes = local.runtimes
depends_on = [
Refer to the module registry page for additional information on optional inputs and configuration.