This project is released under the GNU GPLv3 (see LICENSE file). Some code may have been copied from external projects. When it is the case the license is detailed in the file. Please see the wiki for more information.
Software Download Maple IDE:
Get the code in your sketchs folder. The following command can help you. Execute it from your sketchbook.
git clone
Open FlyMaple.pde, and the other files should appear on the tabs.
You should take care of:
- Keeping the center of gravity centered
- We are using Flymaple board, if you want to try, you can get one here:
- FlyMaple1_0.pde − Main file with the setup() and loop() functions
- AHRS.pde − Functions to manage the Altitude and Heading Reference System, including the PID error correction algorithm.
- MOTOR.pde −
- CapturePPM.pde − Radio Frequency controller functions
- Communication.pde − Utility functions to help debugging
- ADXL345.pde − Librairy file for ADXL 345 3-axis digital accelerometer
- BMP085.pde − Librairy file for BMP085 barometric pressure sensor
- HMC5883.pde − Librairy file for HMC5883 3-axis digital compass
- ITG3205.pde − Librairy file for ITG3205 digital gyroscope
- integrate PID and calibrate values