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How to configure & build

  • Install & Configure Java JDK 1.7 or higher

  • Install & Configure Maven 3.0 or higher

  • Download a release version or clone and build (mvn clean install) the OpenEngSB

  • Clone and build the SQLCode domain

  • Clone this project and adapt the ${sql.version} property in the pom.xml to the version of the used SQLCode domain if necessary.

  • Build this project (mvn clean install)

  • You find the program in the directory target, its org.openengsb.xlink.xlinkjavaclient-[version]-jar-with-dependencies.jar

  • To run the program, go to target/classes and copy the files and into the same directory as your .jar

  • Configure the program arguments in

    1. Change Username, Password and Context if necessary.
    2. If the OpenEngSB Server is not running on your local machine, the openengsb.hostIp has to be changed to the Ip of the network interface that connects to the server (default is
    3. If the OpenEngSB Server is not running on your local machine, the xlink.baseUrl has to be changed as well.
    4. Set the working.dir to a local directory.
    5. Copy the creates.sql to this directory.
  • Unzip the OpenEngSB server and start it (bin/openengsb)

  • Make sure that the JMS-Port bundle is installed (if not install it with feature:install openengsb-ports-jms). Note that, if server and client are not running on the same machine, the xlink base-URL (e.g. contains also the server URL) must be configured in $OPENENGSB_HOME$/etc/

  • Copy the jar file of the build SQLCode domain to $OPENENGSB_HOME/deploy to deploy it

  • Verify that the domain was started correctly (type list in the console of the OpenEngSB)

  • Start the Java-Client

Structure of accepted SQL files

The Program filters SQL CreateStatements in this abstract syntax

A Statement is of the structure

 'fieldName' 'dataType' 'listOfConstraints',

Make sure that the opening and closing bracket have no leading or trailing spaces. Every fieldDefintion must be written in it's own row.

Accepted Constraints are

  • REFERENCES 'tableName'('fieldName')

Implemented Functionality

  • Client automatically connects to the OpenEngSB and registers for XLink
  • .sql Files in the WorkingDirectory can be opened and CreateStatements are viewed in a List
  • For each Statement, details can be displayed
  • Via a PopUp-Menu (right-click on a Statement), a valid XLink-URL is copied into the clipboard
  • Incoming potential Matches are searched in the WorkingDirectory and, if found, the most likely match is displayed.

Not implemented Functionality

  • Incoming updates about other local tools that support XLink are processed.
  • Creation of Statements


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