A validator for tabular data following the JSON Table Schema RFC available as a transform stream operating in object mode.
Given a JSON Table Schema for instance:
var schema = {
"fields": [
{"name": "a", "type": "string"},
{"name": "b", "type": "integer"},
{"name": "c", "type": "number"},
{"name": "d", "type": "date"}
one can create a validator transform stream with:
var Validator = require('json-table-schema-validator');
var v = new Validator(schema);
s.pipe(v); //s is a readable stream operating in object mode;
v.on('data', function(coercedRow){
//do smtg with coerced row;
v.on('error', function(err){
//oops validation error
A referenced
object can be passed to the constructor to check
that the values of a field are inluded into the set of value provided
in the referenced Set. referenced
is an object with:
- key equal to
- values equal to an ES6 Set containing all the possible values of the filed.
npm test