"opensource COBOL 4J" is a COBOL compiler that translates COBOL programs to Java programs. This compiler is deeply inspired by "opensource COBOL" which translates COBOL programs to C programs. (In fact, this repository contains a lot of source files of "opensource COBOL")
CHANGELOG.md contains all notable changes.
libcobj, the runtime libraries, are distributed under the the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3. Other software and libraries are distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.
opensource COBOL 4J is tested with the following platforms and dependencies:
- Ubuntu 24.04 and OpenJDK 21
- AlmaLinux 9 and OpenJDK 11
- Amazon Linux 2023 and OpenJDK 21
If you want to check requirements of older versions, see doc/requirements-all.md.
Run the following commands.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y default-jdk build-essential bison flex gettext texinfo libgmp-dev autoconf
dnf -y update
dnf install -y java-11-openjdk-devel gcc make bison flex automake autoconf diffutils gettext
dnf -y update
dnf install -y java-21-amazon-corretto-devel gcc make bison flex automake autoconf diffutils gettext tar gzip
curl -L -o opensourcecobol4j-v1.1.7-hotfix1.tar.gz https://github.com/opensourcecobol/opensourcecobol4j/archive/refs/tags/v1.1.7-hotfix1.tar.gz
tar zxvf opensourcecobol4j-v1.1.7-hotfix1.tar.gz
cd opensourcecobol4j-1.1.7-hotfix1
./configure --prefix=/usr/
sudo make install
In order to install a compiler for UTF-8 encoded COBOL source code, run the following commands.
curl -L -o opensourcecobol4j-v1.1.7-hotfix1.tar.gz https://github.com/opensourcecobol/opensourcecobol4j/archive/refs/tags/v1.1.7-hotfix1.tar.gz
tar zxvf opensourcecobol4j-v1.1.7-hotfix1.tar.gz
cd opensourcecobol4j-1.1.7-hotfix1
./configure --prefix=/usr/ --enable-utf8
touch cobj/*.m4
sudo make install
Add /usr/lib/opensourcecobol4j/libcobj.jar to the environment variable $CLASSPATH. For instance, run the following code in Unix-like systems.
export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:/usr/lib/opensourcecobol4j/libcobj.jar"
If you want to check installations of older versions, see doc/installation/ directory respectively.
The Windows version of opensource COBOL 4J uses the CL compiler included in Visual Studio, so you must have Visual Studio installed beforehand.
- Download the complete set of files for opensource COBOL 4J.
- Open win/opensourcecobol4j.sln with Visual Studio.
- Select "Debug" or "Release" mode.
- Click "Build" -> "Build Solution".
After the build is completed, "cobj.exe" will be created in
Install JDK. https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/?er=221886#java8-windows
Open PowerShell.
Move to "libcobj" directory and execute
.\gradlew shadowJar
cd libcobj .\gradlew shadowJar
Then, libcobj.jar will be created in
- If you build in Debug mode, change the 5th line of win/make-install.ps1 from
. - Open PowerShell
- Move to "win" directory and execute make-install.ps1.
cd win .\make-install.ps1
Each file is placed in the following location.
File name Location cobj.exe C:\opensourcecobol4j\bin libcobj.jar C:\opensourcecobol4j\lib config files C:\opensourcecobol4j\config -
If you want to change the location of the files, modify make-install.ps1.
- Add C:\opensourcecobol4j\bin to the PATH environment variable.
- Add C:\opensourcecobol4j\lib\libcobj.jar to the CLASSPATH environment variable.
The docker container for opensource COBOL 4J is available.
docker pull opensourcecobol/opensourcecobol4j:20250307
Execute the following commands in order to run the "Hello World" COBOL program.
# Move to the sample directory
$ cd /root/cobol_sample
# Translate COBOL to Java and compile the Java source file.
$ cobj HELLO.cbl
# Run "Hello World"
$ java HELLO
cobj [COBOL source file]
("cobj" command produces [PROGRAM-ID].java and [PROGRAM-ID].class in the current directory.)
- Data calculation (MOVE, COMPUTE, ... )
- Control statements (IF, PERFORM, GO TO, ...)
- Some I/O functions (DISPLAY, ACCEPT, ...)
- Call statements
- Sequential files
- Indexed files
- Relative files
- Sort statements
- Embedded functions (ACOS, LENGTH, MAX, ...)
opensource COBOL 4J is tested using NIST COBOL85 test suite.
The result of NIST COBOL85 main test suites:
------ Directory Information ------- --- Total Tests Information ---
Module Programs Executed Error Crash Pass Fail Deleted Inspect Total
------ -------- -------- ----- ----- ----- ---- ------- ------- -----
NC 90 90 0 0 4352 0 6 11 4369 COBOL nucleus tests
SM 15 15 0 0 290 0 3 1 294 COPY sentence tests
IC 13 13 0 0 97 0 0 0 97 CALL sentence tests
SQ 81 81 0 0 512 0 6 81 599 Sequential file I-O tests
IX 39 39 0 0 507 0 1 0 508 Indexed file I-O tests
ST 39 39 0 0 278 0 0 0 278 SORT sentence tests
SG 5 5 0 0 193 0 0 0 193 Segment tests
OB 5 5 0 0 16 0 0 0 16 Obsolete facilities tests
IF 42 42 0 0 732 0 0 0 732 Intrinsic Function tests
RL 32 32 0 0 1827 0 5 0 1832 Relative file I-O tests
------ -------- -------- ----- ----- ----- ---- ------- ------- -----
Total 361 361 0 0 8804 0 21 93 8918
The result of nist cobol85 extra test suites:
------ directory information ------- --- total tests information ---
module programs executed error crash pass fail deleted inspect total
------ -------- -------- ----- ----- ----- ---- ------- ------- -----
cm 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMMUNICATION SECTION tests
db 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 Debugging facilities tests
rw 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 REPORT SECTION tests
------ -------- -------- ----- ----- ----- ---- ------- ------- -----
total 21 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0
, a utility for indexed files, is also installed when installing opensource COBOL 4J.
cobj-idx - A utility tool to handle an indexed file of opensource COBOL 4J
cobj-idx <sub command> [options] <indexed file>
Sub commands:
cobj-idx info <indexed-file>
Show information of the indexed file.
cobj-idx load <indexed file>
Load the data from stdin into the indexed file.
The default format of the input data is SEQUENTIAL of COBOL.
cobj-idx load <indexed file> <input file>
Load data from the input file into the indexed file.
The default format of the input data is SEQUENTIAL of COBOL.
cobj-idx unload <indexed file>
Write the records stored in the indexed file into stdout.
The default format of the output data is SEQUENTIAL of COBOL.
cobj-idx unload <indexed file> <output file>
Write the records stored in the indexed file into the output file.
The default format of the output data is SEQUENTIAL of COBOL.
-f <format>, --format=<format>
Specify the format of the input and output data.
Possible values are 'txt' and the default value 'bin'
'bin' and 'txt' means SEQUENTIAL and LINE SEQUENTIAL respectively.
When doing a `load`, this option specifies the format of input data which will be inserted to an indexed file.
When doing an `unload`, this option specifies the format of output data which will be read from an indexed file.
-h --help
Print this message.
-n, --new
Delete all data before inserting new data. This option is only valid when the sub command is 'load'.
-v, --version
Print the version of cobj-idx.
With cobj-api
, you can easily generate an Spring boot Java file that calls the program generated by cobj
Usage: cobj-api [options] <json-file>
<json-file>: a json file generated by cobj with `-info-json-dir` option
-h, --help Display this message
-java-package=<package name> Specify the package name of the generated source code
-o=<dir>, --output-dir=<dir> Set the output destination of the java file to an arbitrary destination
-v, --version Prints the version of the cobj-api
For information on how to create a Spring Boot application using cobj-api, see here.
Guidelines for contributing to opensource COBOL 4J can be found in CONTRIBUTING.md. Contributors are listed in https://github.com/opensourcecobol/opensourcecobol4j/graphs/contributors