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Criterion suitable for the model

Sangchun Ha edited this page Jul 16, 2021 · 1 revision

We supports 20+ models and is continuously updated. So we try to explain the possible criterion for each model.

Model - Criterion

  1. DeepSpeech2 - ctc
  2. Jasper - ctc
  3. QuartzNet - ctc
  4. Transformer with CTC - ctc
  5. Conformer with CTC - ctc
  6. Listen Attend Spell - cross_entropy, label_smoothed_cross_entropy
  7. Location-aware attention based Listen Attend Spell - cross_entropy, label_smoothed_cross_entropy
  8. Multi-head attention based Listen Attend Spell - cross_entropy, label_smoothed_cross_entropy
  9. Speech-Transformer - cross_entropy, label_smoothed_cross_entropy
  10. VGG-Transformer - cross_entropy, label_smoothed_cross_entropy
  11. Conformer with LSTM Decoder - cross_entropy, label_smoothed_cross_entropy
  12. Joint CTC-Attention based Transformer - joint_ctc_cross_entropy
  13. Joint CTC-Attention based Listen Attend Spell - joint_ctc_cross_entropy
  14. Deep CNN Encoder with Joint CTC-Attention Listen Attend Spell - joint_ctc_cross_entropy
  15. RNN-Transducer - transducer
  16. Transformer Transducer - transducer
  17. Conformer - transducer
  18. ContextNet - transducer
  19. LSTM Language Model - perplexity
  20. Transformer Language Model - perplexity


  1. ctc
    conformer, contextnet, deepspeech2, jasper5x3, jasper10x5, quartznet5x5, quartznet10x5, quartznet15x5, transformer_with_ctc
  2. cross_entropy
    conformer_lstm, contextnet_lstm, listen_attend_spell, listen_attend_spell_with_location_aware, listen_attend_spell_with_multi_head, transformer, vgg_transformer
  3. label_smoothed_cross_entropy
    conformer_lstm, contextnet_lstm, listen_attend_spell, listen_attend_spell_with_location_aware, listen_attend_spell_with_multi_head, transformer, vgg_transformer
  4. joint_ctc_cross_entropy
    deep_cnn_with_joint_ctc_listen_attend_spell, joint_ctc_conformer_lstm, joint_ctc_listen_attend_spell, joint_ctc_transformer
  5. transducer
    conformer_transducer, contextnet_transducer, rnn_transducer, transformer_transducer
  6. perplexity
    lstm_lm, transformer_lm
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