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Releases: openwisp/openwisp-monitoring

1.1.1 [2024-11-26]

26 Nov 19:59
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  • Fixed a backward compatibility issue with custom health status labels: previously, if customized health status labels (OPENWISP_MONITORING_HEALTH_STATUS_LABELS) were used and the new "deactivated" status label was missing after an upgrade, the application would crash during startup. In this version, a default set of valid labels is always available, which is then overridden by custom labels as needed.

1.1.0 [2024-11-22]

22 Nov 21:47
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  • Added support for monitoring WiFi clients and sessions.
  • Enabled importing and exporting of devices.
  • Introduced dashboard monitoring charts.
  • Added support for the Iperf3 check.
  • Introduced the OPENWISP_MONITORING_DEFAULT_RETENTION_POLICY setting to configure the default retention policy.
  • Added support for InfluxDB UDP mode.
  • Enabled filtering by custom date ranges for timeseries charts.
  • Added zoom functionality to timeseries charts for detailed views.
  • Introduced device deactivation: checks and monitoring data are not collected for deactivated devices.
  • Disabled organization: checks and monitoring data are not collected for devices in disabled organization.
  • Added WiFi version capability to the WiFi interface status.
  • Added support for WiFi 6 client capability.
  • Expanded REST API with device list and detailed monitoring information.
  • Introduced an API endpoint to return nearby devices.
  • Added an organization filter to timeseries charts.


  • Display total values in traffic charts.
  • Automatically delete timeseries data when a device is deleted.
  • Removed squashed migrations for improved manageability.
  • Enhanced the efficiency of DeviceMetricView by batching write operations.
  • Delegated timeseries data writing to a Celery worker in DeviceMetricView.
  • Introduced default timeouts for Celery tasks.
  • Renamed the "Uptime" chart to "Ping Success Rate."
  • Improved the UX of the device "Status" tab by making bridge members clickable.


  • Bumped openwisp-controller~=1.1.0
  • Bumped influxdb~=5.3.2
  • Bumped django-nested-admin~=4.0.2
  • Bumped python-dateutil>=2.7.0,<3.0.0
  • Added support for Django 4.1.x and 4.2.x.
  • Added support for Python 3.10.
  • Dropped support for Python 3.7.
  • Dropped support for Django 3.0.x and 3.1.x.


  • Fixed visibility of the "Recover deleted devices" button.
  • Prevented chart loading failure when timezone JS fails.
  • Corrected ping command from "-i" to "-p".
  • Added error handling for IntegrityError in Metric._get_or_create.
  • Fixed unrecognized access technology exception.
  • Displayed error messages from the timeseries chart API in an alert box.
  • Fixed timeseries structure for storing signal metrics.
  • Resolved data collection issues when tx/rx stats are missing.
  • Used the "time" argument for calculating time in Chart._get_time.

1.0.4 [2023-01-24]

24 Jan 19:46
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  • Allow additional properties on wifi/mobile signal. This will help to reduce backward compatibility issues when new properties are added to the monitoring agent.

1.0.3 [2022-12-29]

29 Dec 17:01
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  • Fixed data collection for missing mobile signal: Skip writing mobile signal metric if mobile signal info is missing.
  • Fixed device health status changing to problem when the configuration status changes to modified.

1.0.2 [2022-08-04]

04 Aug 14:21
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  • Fixed migrations which create checks for existing devices;
    this problem was happening to OpenWISP instances which were
    deployed without OpenWISP Monitoring and then enabled
    the monitoring features

1.0.1 [2022-07-01]

01 Jul 17:00
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1.0.0 [2022-05-05]

05 May 22:30
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  • Added metrics for mobile (5G/LTE/UMTS/GSM) signal strength,
    signal quality and mobile access technology in use.
  • Made Ping check configurable
  • Added monitoring status chart to the dashboard and a geographic map
    which shows a visual representation of the monitoring the status of
    the devices.
  • Added functionality to automatically clear the device's
    management_ip when a device goes offline
  • Added support for specifying the time for received time-series data.
  • Made read requests to timeseries DB resilient to failures


Backward incompatible changes

  • Monitoring Template is removed in favour of openwisp monitoring
    . Follow the migration guide in migrating from
    monitoring scripts to monitoring packages
    section of
    openwisp-monitoring documentation.

  • If you have made changes to the default Monitoring Template, then
    create a backup of your template before running migrations. Running
    migrations will make changes to the default Monitoring Template.

  • The time-series database schema for storing interface traffic
    and associated WiFi clients has been updated. The data for
    interface traffic and associated WiFi clients is stored in
    traffic and wifi_clients measurements respectively. The Django
    migrations will perform the necessary operations in the time-series
    database aysnchronously. It is recommended that you backup the
    time-series database before running the migrations.

    You can use the migrate_timeseries management command to trigger
    the migration of the time-series database.

  • The interface traffic and associated WiFi clients metrics
    store additional tags, i.e. organization_id, location_id and


  • Dropped support for Python 3.6
  • Dropped support for Django 2.2
  • Added support for Python 3.8 and 3.9
  • Added support for Django 3.2 and 4.0
  • Upgraded openwisp-controller to 1.0.x
  • Upgraded inflxudb to 5.3.x
  • Upgraded django-cache-memoize to 0.1.0
  • Upgraded django-nested-admin to 3.4.0

Other changes

  • Configuration applied check is triggered whenever the
    configuration status of a device changes
  • Added a default 5 minutes tolerance to CPU and memory alert
  • Increased threshold value for disk alert settings from 80% to
    90%, since some device models have limited flash and would trigger
    the alert in many cases.
  • Renamed Check.check field to Check.check_type
  • Made metric health status independent of AlertSetting tolerance.
    Added tolerance_crossed parameter in
    openwisp_monitoring.monitoring.signals.threshold_crossed signal
  • The system does not sends connection notifications if the
    connectivity of the device changes
  • Improved UX of device's reachability (ping) chart. Added more
    colours to represent different scenarios
  • Avoid showing charts which have empty data in the REST API response
    and in the device charts admin page


  • Fixed a bug that caused inconsistency in the order of chart summary
  • Fixed bugs in restoring deleted devices using django-reversion
  • Fixed migrations referencing non-swappable OpenWISP modules that
    broke OpenWISP's extensibility
  • Skip retry for writing metrics beyond retention policy. The celery
    worker kept on retrying writing data to InfluxDB even when the data
    points crossed the retention policy of InfluxDB. This led to
    accumulation of such tasks which overloaded the celery workers.

0.1.0 [2021-01-31]

31 Jan 19:03
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First release.