This is the start of a collection of various write-ups and short articles.
Introduction to Cartopy, Part 1
How to start with the map-making python library Cartopy. This article is an adaption/rework of an already existing course -
Introduction to Cartopy, Part 2
This part covers more advanced map-making and is still under construction -
Regional maps with Cartopy
Collections of examples of ready-made Cartopy map set ups of various regions. -
IBSCO data in python
Load high-resolution IBSCO bathymetry data of the Southern Ocean and display it with Python.
To highlight the high resolution, the map is shaded to also show small topographic changes. -
Southern Ocean Climate Modes
Read-in of data from the SAM and ONI climate mode index, Calculation of the SEI index and plot all 3.- Basically time series manipulation with the pandas library
Potential Density Shenanigans
The Pitfalls of calculating potential density for a CTD profile and the maybe surprisingly strong impact of the reference pressure -
How to read in Polarstern CTD data from Pangaea
This article is a shortened version of Potential Density Shenanigans, concentrating only on the data read-in. -
Unnecessary artsy ridge maps
Scientifically useless, but beautiful visualizations of topography
- matplotlib styles xkcd, ye olde
- SymPy example
- Neutral Surfaces in Python