#Symfony + Nginx + Pagespeed container
Dockerfile inspired in https://github.com/EnMarche/en-marche.fr/blob/develop/Dockerfile whit some modifications.
Tested on symfony 3.4
- nginx
- pagespeed
- php 7.1
- This image run php-fpm with Nginx in the same container with unix socket.
- This image uses the same entrypoint for all symfony environments. Build it one time and run in multiple environments. You should implement a similar web/index.php in your proyect:
$kernel = new AppKernel(getenv('APP_ENV'), getenv('APP_DEBUG'));
$request = Request::createFromGlobals();
Determine the symfony environment dev, prod, test....
Determine if application is in debug mode:
0 disabled
1 enabled
$HTTPS_FORCE on and off
If value is on, proxy pass https protocol to backend so it will return pages and assets with https protocol
Proyect timezone
To build this image:
docker build -t opositatest/symfony-nginx:latest --build-arg APP_ENV=dev --build-arg APP_DEBUG=1 --build-arg HTTPS_FORCE=off --build-arg TIMEZONE="Europe/Madrid" .