SuiteCloud Command Line Interface (CLI) for NodeJs and OpenJDK
Oracle Netsuite SuiteCloud has a CLI which depends on Nodejs an JDK. Neither are desired to be directly present on a host OS, hence this container image.
docker run \
--rm \
-it \
-v $HOME/.suitecloud-sdk:/home/suitecloud/.suitecloud-sdk:z \
-v $(pwd):/workspace:z -w /workspace opsgang/suitecloud-cli:edge [command]
or you can just create a shell alias and use that:
alias suitecloud-cli="docker run --rm -it -v $HOME/.suitecloud-sdk:/home/suitecloud/.suitecloud-sdk:z -v $(pwd):/workspace:z -w /workspace opsgang/suitecloud-cli:edge"
then e.g.
suitecloud-cli cproject:create -i
The suitecloud-cli
runs with the conventional uid 1000 by default.
Feel free to change it with the -u [num]
docker parameter.
- Debian Bullseye Slim
- Node.js v16.13.0-deb-1nodesource1
- JDK 11
- @oracle/suitecloud-cli v1.3.1
Use it with confidence. Scanned with Acquasec Trivy and Anchore Grype before pushing it to Docker Hub.