Example of how to build an Orca Scan WebHook Out endpoint and Orca Scan WebHook In using Python and flask framework.
First ensure you have Python installed:
macOS or Linux
# should return 3.7 or higher
python3 --version
# should return 3.7 or higher
python --version
Then execute the following:
# download this example code
git clone https://github.com/orca-scan/orca-webhook-python.git
# go into the new directory
cd orca-webhook-python
macOS or Linux
# create virtual environment and activate it
python3 -m venv orca && source ./orca/bin/activate
# create virtual environment and activate it
python -m venv orca && source ./orca/scripts/activate
# upgrade pip to latest version
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
# install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
macOS or Linux
# activate virtual environment
source ./orca/bin/activate
# activate virtual environment
source ./orca/scripts/activate
# enable development features only for development
export FLASK_ENV=development
# start the project
flask run -p 5000
Your WebHook receiver will now be running on port 5000.
You can emulate an Orca Scan WebHook using cURL by running the following:
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"___orca_action": "add",
"___orca_sheet_name": "Vehicle Checks",
"___orca_user_email": "[email protected]",
"___orca_row_id": "5cf5c1efc66a9681047a0f3d",
"Barcode": "4S3BMHB68B3286050",
"Make": "SUBARU",
"Model": "Legacy",
"Model Year": "2011",
"Vehicle Type": "PASSENGER CAR",
"Plant City": "Lafayette",
"Trim": "Premium",
"Location": "52.2034823, 0.1235817",
"Notes": "Needs new tires"
- Only Orca Scan system fields start with
- Properties in the JSON payload are an exact match to the field names in your sheet (case and space)
- WebHooks are never retried, regardless of the HTTP response
This example uses the flask framework:
# POST / handler
@app.route('/orca-webhook-out', methods=['POST'])
def webhook_out():
if request.method == 'POST':
data = request.get_json()
# get the name of the action that triggered this request (add, update, delete, test)
action = data["___orca_action"]
# get the name of the sheet this action impacts
sheet_name = data["___orca_sheet_name"]
# get the email of the user who preformed the action (empty if not HTTPS)
user_email = data["___orca_user_email"]
# orca system fields start with ___
# you can access the value of each field using the field name (data["Name"], data["Barcode"], data["Location"])
if action == "add":
# TODO: do something when a row has been added
elif action == "update":
# TODO: do something when a row has been updated
elif action == "delete":
# TODO: do something when a row has been deleted
elif action == "test":
# TODO: do something when the user in the web app hits the test button
# always return a 200 (ok)
return "ok"
# Trigger Webhook In
@app.route('/trigger-webhook-in', methods=['GET'])
def trigger_webhook_in():
# the following example adds a new row to a sheet, setting the value of Barcode, Name, Quantity and Description
# TODO: change url to https://api.orcascan.com/sheets/{id}
response = requests.post('https://httpbin.org/post', json={
"___orca_action": "add",
"Barcode": "0123456712",
"Name": "New 1",
"Quantity": 12,
"Description": "Add new row example"
if response.ok:
return "ok"
to trigget the in webhook and send the request.
To expose the server securely from localhost and test it easily against the real Orca Cloud environment you can use Secure Tunnels. Take a look at Ngrok or Cloudflare.
ngrok http 5000
If you run into any issues not listed here, please open a ticket.
- orca-webhook-dotnet
- orca-webhook-python
- orca-webhook-go
- orca-webhook-java
- orca-webhook-php
- orca-webhook-node
For change-log, check releases.
© Orca Scan, the Barcode Scanner app for iOS and Android.