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Antoine Lorence edited this page Jul 1, 2014 · 5 revisions

Compile Orcc

$SCRIPTS_DIR/orcc_build $WORK_DIR ~/projects/orcc/eclipse/features ~/projects/orcc/eclipse/plugins

This script executes all steps needed to compile Orcc plugins. It copy all needed plugins/features to the right build directory, generates Xtext infrastructure from CAL grammar, compile Xtend files into java code, and build everything with the help of eclipse headless PDE scripts (using Ant).

It supports 2 kinds of builds: test which can be used in most cases, and nightly which can be used to make a nightly build. To change this, simply set BUILDTYPE environment variable to tests or nightly. If $BUILDTYPE is not defined before script execution, it is by default set to tests.

The script will create 2 folders in $WORK_DIR:

  • build.dir.$BUILDTYPE will be used as base directory for the build
  • repository.$BUILDTYPE will be used as local eclipse update site, to install built plugins into our eclipse.runtime The directory build.dir.$BUILDTYPE is always cleaned (rm -fr $WORK_DIR/build.dir.$BUILDTYPE) and created again when the script starts.

Before running the build, the folder given as first script argument is copied into build.dir.$BUILDTYPE/features/net.sf.orcc and the content of folders given as next script arguments are copied into build.dir.$BUILDTYPE/plugins. The PDE build creates some folders for class files, logs, etc. The resulting feature and plugins are copied in repository.$BUILDTYPE, under the right folders, as part of the resulting local update site.

The last part of the script uses the created local update site as base to install Orcc feature into eclipse.runtime. After this step, eclipse.runtime can be used as many time as needed to compile XDF + CAL applications into source code. This can be achieved with the next script.

orcc_build should be re-executed each time something has been modified in Orcc source code, before running orcc_run_compilation or orcc_run_simulation.

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