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MTurk ABX Utility

This script performs the following simple tasks:

  • Given survey parameters and labeled audio, generate ABX (reference vs. proposed) or pseudo-ABX (reference vs. baseline vs. proposed) survey forms using a collection of editable templates
  • Obfuscate, link, and upload corresponding audio files to an AWS S3 bucket
  • Launch surveys as MTurk HITs
  • Compile survey results and compute basic statistics


Clone this repository:

git clone

Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick Start

  1. If you want to perform a true ABX test, label all audio file pairs as


    where ext is any audio file extension. Place all these files in a directory, and edit config.yaml so that audio_dir points to this directory and ext matches your file extensions. If you want to perform a pseudo-ABX test, instead label your file triplets as

  2. If you do not already have linked AWS and MTurk Requester accounts, follow these instructions.

  3. Set up an IAM user with s3fullaccess and amazonmechanicalturkfullaccess permissions. For a brief tutorial on setting IAM permissions, see here.

  4. Download your IAM user credentials as a .csv and edit config.yaml so that credentials points to this file

  5. Edit the details of your survey in config.yaml (see table below, from title onwards).

  6. Run python to generate your survey in sandbox mode

  7. Preview your survey. As of 2017, HITs created via Amazon's boto3 SDK are not viewable within the MTurk web interface. To access and manage your HITs within a GUI, simply download this file from the MTurk-Manage repository and open it in any browser (you will have to provide the user credentials from your .csv file).

Regardless of whether you launch a survey in sandbox mode or MTurk proper, the script will produce the following output:

  • the XML questionnaire for each survey form will be saved to output/
  • any 'dummy' audio generated for the survey will be saved to audio_dir/
  • a list of dictionaries, each holding the contents of a survey form, will be pickled and saved as forms.pkl in output/
  • all audio used in the survey will be uploaded to the S3 bucket with obfuscated filenames


The driver script accepts the command-line argument config; this must be a path to a .yaml configuration file with the following fields:

Field Default Value Description
action create_new must be one of create_new, run_existing, evaluate
sandbox true If true, create/evaluate surveys in the MTurk Sandbox environment. It is strongly recommended that you test surveys in the sandbox environment before launching with MTurk proper
credentials credentials.csv a .csv file holding AWS client credentials. AWS user agent should be configured with s3fullaccess and amazonmechanicalturkfullaccess permissions, and the file should contain the fields Access key ID and Secret access key
s3_region us-east-2 AWS S3 bucket region
s3_bucket None name of existing AWS S3 bucket to use; if None, a new bucket will be created
survey_id None identifier for survey; if None, will be a randomly generated string of digits. When running with the action run_existing, provide the ID of your existing survey here
audio_dir audio path to directory containing survey audio. All files must be named descriptively (reference_*.ext or proposed_*.ext for a true ABX test; reference_*.ext, baseline_*.ext, or proposed_*.ext for a two-way pseudo-ABX test)
audio_ext wav audio file extension
assets_dir assets directory from which to load HTML survey templates
output_dir output directory to which outputs are saved
title None title of survey; this is what MTurk workers will see
description None short description of survey; this is what MTurk workers will see before they decide to accept the survey
keywords 'audio, comparison' survey descriptors
reward 3.00 pay for completion of a single survey (HIT), in dollars
lifetime 345600 amount of time survey remains available, in seconds
duration 1800 amount of time workers have to complete survey, in seconds
approval_delay 259200 amount of time after completion of survey until work is automatically approved and workers are paid
max_questions_per_form 20 maximum number of questions a worker will be asked to answer in a single survey
dummy_questions_per_form 4 number of "listening-check" questions (using a white-noise comparison) inserted into each survey
dummy_fade_noise false if true, fade in white noise gradually for "listening-check" questions to make the comparison more difficult
coverage 1 number of times each audio file will be evaluated; analogously, the number of workers who can complete each survey form
qual_min_hits None number of accepted HITs required to view and submit survey (integer in [1, 100]). If None, has no effect
qual_pct_hits None percentage of HITs accepted required to view and submit survey (integer in [1, 100]). If None, has no effect
qual_exclude_regions None List of locales to exclude; each locale must be a dictionary with the required format. If None, has no effect
qual_include_regions None List of locales to include (all other locales will be rejected); each locale must be a dictionary with the required format. If None, has no effect


  • add evaluate functionality
  • increase radio button size
  • check on capping requests to public S3 bucket or using pre-signed URLs
  • manage unique workers (explicit instructions or automatic qualification; either may require a continuously-running script to pull worker/assignment information)


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