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Data Providers

Mandar Chitre edited this page Jul 8, 2018 · 2 revisions

Setting up a data provider

  • Clone this repository
git clone
  • Create a branch for the data provider (replace name by some name you desire)
git branch name
git checkout name
  • Ensure that appropriate credentials are saved:
git config --global "Netiquette"
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global push.default simple
git config credential.helper store
  • Push the newly created branch (you'll need to enter credentials the first time you do this)
git push --set-upstream origin name
  • Now setup your cronjob to:
    1. create/update appropriate data files in the data directory,
    2. add the file(s) to the repository: git add filename (replace filename by the correct one),
    3. commit the file(s): git commit -m "data update", and
    4. do a git push

That's it!

Clone this wiki locally