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33 repositories
PublicDefines react based custom elements and validates the attributeseslint-config
PublicA shared eslint config for my projectsreusable-workflows
PublicResuable workflows for all my github stuffhome-assistant
PublicMy home assistant setuptesting
PublicComponent library designed for web-componentshacs-package-manager
PublicA package manager build on top of hacs.homebrew-tap
PublicHomebrew tap for all my custom formulas and casks.github
PublicDocker setup for nginxwhat-node-version
PublicScript for automatically switch node versions based on the configured engine the the package.json_final-REMASTERED
PublicScript for finding the final nameesp-home
PublicMy ESP home configsThermaltastic
PublicA helper to create a create-something apprepository-runner
PublicA task runner for repositorieshook-cli
PublicInitializer for other initializersprettier-config
Public archiveA shared prettier config for my projectspi-hole
Public archiveDocker setup for pi-holeopen-ai-phoenix-bot
Public archivetunnel
Public archiverestic-rest-server
Public archiveDocker setup for restic-rest-serverowncloud
Public archiveDocker setup for ownCloudatlassian-confluence-server
Public archiveDocker setup for confluence-serveratlassian-jira-software
Public archiveDocker setup for jira-softwareatlassian-bitbucket
Public archiveDocker setup for bitbucketatlassian-crowd
Public archiveDocker setup for crowdportainer-ce
Public archiveDocker setup for portainer-ce