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11 repositories
PublicWendy, The Mental Health AI Telegram Chatbot that secured 1st place on "AI-Powered Mental Wellness Support Chatbot" hackathonLong-Story-Short
PublicFull-fledged IDE developed in Kotlin with support of syntax highlighting, file renaming/creation/deletion, and search functionalities | Semester project, 3rd year at Constructor University, 2023Defendr
PublicFantasy game in which players compete by capturing and holding towers on a real map by casting spells on their phone screens or on actual paper and destroying protection walls of towers | Second-year project of AMI program at HSE UniversityInVasion
PublicOnline top-down pixel-art shooter — C++ first-year project of Applied Mathmatics and Computer Science program at Higher School of Economics University.ASCII-Converter
PublicHSE AMI 2 year CAOS projectpushdown-automata