docast-parse 1.0.0-alpha.6
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @flex-development/docast-parse@1.0.0-alpha.6
Install via package.json:
"@flex-development/docast-parse": "1.0.0-alpha.6"
About this version
docast x unified plugin to add support for parsing docblock comments.
This package is a unified plugin that defines how to take docblock input and turn it into a syntax tree.
This plugin adds support to unified for parsing docblock comments. If you don’t use plugins and want to
access the syntax tree directly, you can use docast-util-from-docs
You can also combine this plugin with other unified plugins to add extensions for parsing markdown in docblock comments.
Notable packages include remark-directive
, remark-gfm
, and
This package is ESM only.
In Node.js (version 18+) with yarn:
yarn add @flex-development/docast-parse
yarn add -D @flex-development/docast @types/mdast @types/unist micromark-util-types
See Git - Protocols | Yarn for details regarding installing from Git.
In Deno with
import docastParse from ''
In browsers with
<script type="module">
import docastParse from ''
Say we have the following TypeScript file fibonacci-sequence.ts
* @file FibonacciSequence
* @module FibonacciSequence
* @see
* Fibonacci sequence iterator.
* :::info
* A fibonacci sequence starts with two `1`s. Every element afterwards is the
* sum of the two previous elements:
* ```txt
* 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ..., 89, 144, 233, 377, ...
* ```
* :::
* @implements {Iterator<number, number>}
class FibonacciSequence implements Iterator<number, number> {
* First managed sequence value.
* @public
* @instance
* @member {number} fib1
public fib1: number
* Second managed sequence value.
* @public
* @instance
* @member {number} fib2
public fib2: number
* Max sequence value.
* @private
* @instance
* @member {number} max
readonly #max: number
* Create a new fibonacci sequence iterator.
* @param {number} [max=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER] - Max sequence value
constructor(max: number = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
this.#max = max < 0 ? 0 : max
this.fib1 = this.fib2 = 1
* Iterable protocol.
* @public
* @instance
* @return {IterableIterator<number>} Current sequence iterator
public [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<number> {
return this
* Get the next value in the fibonacci sequence.
* @public
* @instance
* @return {IteratorResult<number, number>} Next sequence value
public next(): IteratorResult<number, number> {
* Temporary sequence value.
* @const {number} value
const value: number = this.fib1
// reset current sequence values
this.fib1 = this.fib2
this.fib2 = value + this.fib1
return { done: value >= this.#max, value }
export default FibonacciSequence
…and our module example.mjs
looks as follows:
import docastParse from '@flex-development/docast-parse'
import remarkDirective from 'remark-directive'
import { read } from 'to-vfile'
import { unified } from 'unified'
import { inspect } from 'unist-util-inspect'
const file = await read('fibonacci-sequence.ts')
const tree = unified()
…now running node example.mjs
├─0 comment[3] (1:1-5:4, 0-122)
│ │ code: null
│ ├─0 blockTag<file>[1] (2:4-2:27, 7-30)
│ │ │ tag: "@file"
│ │ └─0 text "FibonacciSequence" (2:10-2:27, 13-30)
│ ├─1 blockTag<module>[1] (3:4-3:29, 34-59)
│ │ │ tag: "@module"
│ │ └─0 text "FibonacciSequence" (3:12-3:29, 42-59)
│ └─2 blockTag<see>[1] (4:4-4:59, 63-118)
│ │ tag: "@see"
│ └─0 text "" (4:9-4:59, 68-118)
├─1 comment[2] (7:1-19:4, 124-414)
│ │ code: null
│ ├─0 description[4] (8:4-16:7, 131-365)
│ │ ├─0 paragraph[1] (8:4-8:32, 131-159)
│ │ │ └─0 text "Fibonacci sequence iterator." (8:4-8:32, 131-159)
│ │ ├─1 break (8:32-9:1, 159-160)
│ │ ├─2 break (9:3-10:1, 162-163)
│ │ │ data: {"blank":true}
│ │ └─3 containerDirective<info>[2] (10:4-16:7, 166-365)
│ │ │ attributes: {}
│ │ ├─0 paragraph[3] (11:4-12:37, 177-288)
│ │ │ ├─0 text "A fibonacci sequence starts with two " (11:4-11:41, 177-214)
│ │ │ ├─1 inlineCode "1" (11:41-11:44, 214-217)
│ │ │ └─2 text "s. Every element afterwards is the sum of the two previous elements:" (11:44-12:37, 217-288)
│ │ └─1 code "1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ..., 89, 144, 233, 377, ..." (13:4-15:7, 292-358)
│ │ lang: "txt"
│ │ meta: null
│ └─1 blockTag<implements>[1] (18:4-18:42, 372-410)
│ │ tag: "@implements"
│ └─0 typeExpression "Iterator<number, number>" (18:16-18:42, 384-410)
├─2 comment[4] (21:3-27:6, 479-583)
│ │ code: null
│ ├─0 description[1] (22:6-22:35, 488-517)
│ │ └─0 paragraph[1] (22:6-22:35, 488-517)
│ │ └─0 text "First managed sequence value." (22:6-22:35, 488-517)
│ ├─1 blockTag<public>[0] (24:6-24:13, 528-535)
│ │ tag: "@public"
│ ├─2 blockTag<instance>[0] (25:6-25:15, 541-550)
│ │ tag: "@instance"
│ └─3 blockTag<member>[2] (26:6-26:27, 556-577)
│ │ tag: "@member"
│ ├─0 typeExpression "number" (26:14-26:22, 564-572)
│ └─1 text "fib1" (26:23-26:27, 573-577)
├─3 comment[4] (30:3-36:6, 609-714)
│ │ code: null
│ ├─0 description[1] (31:6-31:36, 618-648)
│ │ └─0 paragraph[1] (31:6-31:36, 618-648)
│ │ └─0 text "Second managed sequence value." (31:6-31:36, 618-648)
│ ├─1 blockTag<public>[0] (33:6-33:13, 659-666)
│ │ tag: "@public"
│ ├─2 blockTag<instance>[0] (34:6-34:15, 672-681)
│ │ tag: "@instance"
│ └─3 blockTag<member>[2] (35:6-35:27, 687-708)
│ │ tag: "@member"
│ ├─0 typeExpression "number" (35:14-35:22, 695-703)
│ └─1 text "fib2" (35:23-35:27, 704-708)
├─4 comment[4] (39:3-45:6, 740-834)
│ │ code: null
│ ├─0 description[1] (40:6-40:25, 749-768)
│ │ └─0 paragraph[1] (40:6-40:25, 749-768)
│ │ └─0 text "Max sequence value." (40:6-40:25, 749-768)
│ ├─1 blockTag<private>[0] (42:6-42:14, 779-787)
│ │ tag: "@private"
│ ├─2 blockTag<instance>[0] (43:6-43:15, 793-802)
│ │ tag: "@instance"
│ └─3 blockTag<member>[2] (44:6-44:26, 808-828)
│ │ tag: "@member"
│ ├─0 typeExpression "number" (44:14-44:22, 816-824)
│ └─1 text "max" (44:23-44:26, 825-828)
├─5 comment[2] (48:3-52:6, 862-995)
│ │ code: null
│ ├─0 description[1] (49:6-49:47, 871-912)
│ │ └─0 paragraph[1] (49:6-49:47, 871-912)
│ │ └─0 text "Create a new fibonacci sequence iterator." (49:6-49:47, 871-912)
│ └─1 blockTag<param>[2] (51:6-51:72, 923-989)
│ │ tag: "@param"
│ ├─0 typeExpression "number" (51:13-51:21, 930-938)
│ └─1 text "[max=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER] - Max sequence value" (51:22-51:72, 939-989)
├─6 comment[4] (58:3-65:6, 1122-1259)
│ │ code: null
│ ├─0 description[1] (59:6-59:24, 1131-1149)
│ │ └─0 paragraph[1] (59:6-59:24, 1131-1149)
│ │ └─0 text "Iterable protocol." (59:6-59:24, 1131-1149)
│ ├─1 blockTag<public>[0] (61:6-61:13, 1160-1167)
│ │ tag: "@public"
│ ├─2 blockTag<instance>[0] (62:6-62:15, 1173-1182)
│ │ tag: "@instance"
│ └─3 blockTag<return>[2] (64:6-64:66, 1193-1253)
│ │ tag: "@return"
│ ├─0 typeExpression "IterableIterator<number>" (64:14-64:40, 1201-1227)
│ └─1 text "Current sequence iterator" (64:41-64:66, 1228-1253)
├─7 comment[4] (70:3-77:6, 1340-1504)
│ │ code: null
│ ├─0 description[1] (71:6-71:51, 1349-1394)
│ │ └─0 paragraph[1] (71:6-71:51, 1349-1394)
│ │ └─0 text "Get the next value in the fibonacci sequence." (71:6-71:51, 1349-1394)
│ ├─1 blockTag<public>[0] (73:6-73:13, 1405-1412)
│ │ tag: "@public"
│ ├─2 blockTag<instance>[0] (74:6-74:15, 1418-1427)
│ │ tag: "@instance"
│ └─3 blockTag<return>[2] (76:6-76:66, 1438-1498)
│ │ tag: "@return"
│ ├─0 typeExpression "IteratorResult<number, number>" (76:14-76:46, 1446-1478)
│ └─1 text "Next sequence value" (76:47-76:66, 1479-1498)
└─8 comment[2] (79:5-83:8, 1559-1639)
│ code: null
├─0 description[1] (80:8-80:33, 1570-1595)
│ └─0 paragraph[1] (80:8-80:33, 1570-1595)
│ └─0 text "Temporary sequence value." (80:8-80:33, 1570-1595)
└─1 blockTag<const>[2] (82:8-82:29, 1610-1631)
│ tag: "@const"
├─0 typeExpression "number" (82:15-82:23, 1617-1625)
└─1 text "value" (82:24-82:29, 1626-1631)
This package exports no identifiers. The default export is docastParse
Add support for docblock parsing.
There are no parameters.
Nothing (undefined
TODO: docblock syntax
Markdown is parsed according to CommonMark. Extensions can add support for other syntax and nodes. If you’re interested
in extending markdown, more information is available in the mdast-util-from-markdown
The syntax tree is docast.
This package is fully typed with TypeScript.
- docast-parse
- 12 months ago
- BSD-3-Clause
- 78 dependencies
- docast-parse-1.0.0-alpha.6.tgz
Download activity
- Total downloads 76
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