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Saeed Mansouri Saeed-Mansouri
Postdoctoral Fellow

Simon Fraser University Vancouver, Canada

Min-Sung Yoon MinsungYoon
Ph.D. student at CS, KAIST

Daejeon, South Korea

JunYoung Kim lgkimjy
Robotics Researcher @ KIST

Korea Institute of Science and Technology Republic of Korea


Duke University


Nanyang Technological University Robotics

Zhengxiao Han 0nhc

Northwestern University; @hyperplane-lab; @AIR-DISCOVER Evanston, Illinois

Stéphane Caron stephane-caron
Likes open source robots.

Inria Paris

Gelara Jafari Pouyani llgelarall
M.Sc. Student in Computer Architecture Currently Focused on Hardware Accelerators and Approximate Computing

Shahid Beheshti University Tehran, Iran

Jade Cong JadeCong
Think and act, Win with respect~

AIRobotics ShenZhen

Ming Hu ZeitgeberH
| physics > < math | neuroscience>

Baylor College of Medicine Houston


Night City

Hakim abdelhakim96
PhD student in Robotics @open-airlab. My research is on Learning-based Optimal Control

EIVA a/s Aarhus

KimJinwoo rlawlsdn1130

Hyundai-Rotem Repulic of Korea

Michael Scherk MSSDuke
Math & CS Student @ Duke University
爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

Yixuan Yang YeungYathin
I am currently a Ph.D. student in the General Robotics Lab at Duke University. Welcome to my Github Profile!

Duke University Durham, North Carolina, United States

Chris Oswald cdoswald
Second-year Master's in Statistical Science student at Duke. Interested in ML, robot perception and learning, computer vision, and spatiotemporal modeling.
MattyHuan Matty-7
DKU BS DS '24 Duke MS ECE '26

Duke University Durham

Jonathan Hyun jphyun2019

Duke University Durham, NC

Haoran Chen haoranchen1104

Duke University Durham

Zhengran Ji jzr01
CS Graduate Student at Duke University. Working at General Robotics Lab.
Sam Moore samavmoore
Duke Robotics


Yanbaihui Liu yanbhliu

Duke University Durham

Lingyu Zhang lingyu98
General Robotics Lab

Duke University Durham, NC

Haoran Zhang Hollen0318
Ph.D. of Computer Engineering Student at the University of Virginia

University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA

Jean jeannotes
Never Give Up !

Southeast University Shanghai

Boyuan Chen BoyuanChen
Assistant Professor at Duke University. Robotics and AI.

Duke University

Harish Yerra hyerra

Durham, North Carolina

Yinuo Qin YinuoQ

Columbia University

"steam cloudy day" - a cloudy day when I first registered on Steam 😉
