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hmpps-non-associations-api 0.1.1

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @ministryofjustice/hmpps-non-associations-api@0.1.1
Install via package.json:
"@ministryofjustice/hmpps-non-associations-api": "0.1.1"

About this version

HMPPS Non-associations API NodeJS REST Client

This library is designed to be used by DPS/HMPPS front-end applications that are based on hmpps-typescript-template and need to access the non-associations api.

Using the library

Typescript applications can install the library in several ways:

Install from GitHub Releases

This is the recommended method currently.

Find the latest release version and copy the link to the node-client.tgz asset.

npm install --save [link to asset]


  • easy to install and requires no authentication


  • dependency upgrade tools are unlikely to notice new releases

Install from GitHub Packages – npm registry

Unfortunately, GitHub Packages requires authentication to pull from public npm registries, so the setup here is more complex.

In the application repository, create .npmrc with:


Create a classic GitHub personal access token with at least read:packages scope, adding it to ~/.npmrc:


Install library by adding the latest release version to package.json:

"@ministryofjustice/hmpps-non-associations-api": "[latest version number]"


  • requires authentication when using locally and in CI other than GitHub Actions
  • it’s unclear whether dependency upgrade tools can process new releases


Applications would usually subclass the client:

export class Client extends NonAssociationsApi {
  constructor(systemToken: string) {
       * Provide a system token with necessary roles, not a user token

       * API configuration standard in DPS front-end apps

       * Logger such as standard library’s `console` or `bunyan` instance

       * Plugins for superagent requests, e.g. restClientMetricsMiddleware

…and use the client in a request handler:

async (req, res) => {
  const { user } = res.locals
  const systemToken = await hmppsAuthClient.getSystemClientToken(user.username)
  const api = new Client(systemToken)
  const nonAssociation = await api.getNonAssociation(nonAssociationId)

NB: It is left to the application to determine which actions a user is allowed to perfom!

General notes regarding permissions and roles:

  • All prison users, i.e. those with the PRISON role, can view all non-associations
  • Users with the NON_ASSOCIATIONS role can add, update and close non-associations for prisoners both in a prison in any of their caseloads
  • Users also having the GLOBAL_SEARCH role can also add, update and close non-associations for prisoners in transfer and where one prisoner is not in a prison that’s not in their caseloads
  • Users also having the INACTIVE_BOOKINGS role can also add, update and close non-associations for prisoners outside any establishment / released
  • Users must close rather than delete non-associations

Release a new version

Do not change the version set in package.json, it should remain "0.0.0".

  • Check the latest release version and choose the next semantic versioning numbers to use
  • Tag the commit (on the main branch) to release with node-client-[version] replacing [version] with the next version, e.g. "node-client-0.1.7"
  • Create a release from the tag on GitHub



  • hmpps-non-associations-api-0.1.1.tgz

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