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phorkit 17.6.1

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @phork/phorkit@17.6.1
Install via package.json:
"@phork/phorkit": "17.6.1"

About this version


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Phork/it is a UI kit built with React and TypeScript. It provides a customizable and accessible library of components that can be used to speed up React application development.

Getting started

Include the common styles and fonts in index.js.

import '@phork/phorkit/lib/styles/normalize.css';
import '@phork/phorkit/lib/styles/fonts.css';
import '@phork/phorkit/lib/styles/common.css';

Include the basic providers in App.js.

<ThemeProvider themeId={light | dark}>
    <Modals>hello world</Modals>

The Phork/it CSS files have also been published separately so that they can be used outside of React, or included in a custom React component.

Contribution guidelines for this project


Phork/it comes with a light theme and a dark theme. The primary accent color is a medium blue #0060ce in light mode, and a deep sky blue #00baee in dark mode.

These accent colors can be changed globally or on a per-component basis using CSS custom properties. For example:

:root {
  --phork-accent-color: #642da0;
  --phork-accent-color-contrast: #ffffff;
  --phork-accent-color-L10: #803DC8;
  --phork-accent-color-L20: #9D69D5;
  --phork-accent-color-L30: #B995E1;
  --phork-accent-color-D10: #57278C;
  --phork-accent-color-D20: #4B2278;
  --phork-accent-color-D30: #3E1C64;
  --phork-accent-color-shade: #F3EFF8;
  --phork-accent-color-O5: rgba(100, 45, 160, 0.05);
  --phork-contrast-color: #642da0;

The documentation toolbar includes a widget to generate these colors.



  • phorkit-17.6.1.tgz

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