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expo-sensor-fusion 0.1.0

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @the-curve-consulting/expo-sensor-fusion@0.1.0
Install via package.json:
"@the-curve-consulting/expo-sensor-fusion": "0.1.0"

About this version

Getting started

  1. Ensure you're running the correct code version in your current terminal session: nvm use
  2. Install all node dependencies: npm install


  1. Open the native project:


    The native project you will edit lives are ✅ ./example/android and ✅ ./example/ios and NOT ❌ <root>/android or ❌ <root>/ios.

  • iOS: npm run open:xcode
  • Android: npm run open:androistudio



  • expo-sensor-fusion-0.1.0.tgz

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