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sdk-hardhat-plugin / 1.0.0-beta.24

sdk-hardhat-plugin 1.0.0-beta.24

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @vechain/sdk-hardhat-plugin@1.0.0-beta.24
Install via package.json:
"@vechain/sdk-hardhat-plugin": "1.0.0-beta.24"

About this version


Welcome to the hardhat-plugin package of the VeChain SDK!


The VeChain SDK Hardhat plugin bridges the gap between Hardhat and the VeChain SDK, providing developers with a seamless interface. This versatile package is essential for smart contract development on the VeChainThor blockchain.

Key Features

This plugin simplifies the creation, testing, deployment, and interaction with smart contracts. It allows developers to build robust decentralized applications (dApps) and services on VeChainThor. By integrating the VeChain SDK into Hardhat, developers can leverage VeChain's powerful blockchain infrastructure within the familiar Hardhat development environment.

Installation and Setup


Before using the VeChain SDK Hardhat plugin, ensure you have Hardhat installed:

yarn add --dev hardhat

Initialize your Hardhat project:

npx hardhat

Adding VeChain Support

  • Install the VeChain Hardhat plugin:
yarn add @vechain/sdk-hardhat-plugin
  • Modify your hardhat.config.ts file as follows:
import '@vechain/sdk-hardhat-plugin';

import { VET_DERIVATION_PATH } from '@vechain/sdk-core';
import { type HttpNetworkConfig } from 'hardhat/types';

const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
 solidity: {
   compilers: [
       version: '0.8.17', // Specify the first Solidity version
       settings: {
           // Additional compiler settings for this version
           optimizer: {
               enabled: true,
               runs: 200
           evmVersion: 'london' // EVM version (e.g., "byzantium", "constantinople", "petersburg", "istanbul", "berlin", "london")
 networks: {
   vechain_testnet: {
     // Testnet
     url: '',
     accounts: {
             'vivid any call mammal mosquito budget midnight expose spirit approve reject system',
         path: VET_DERIVATION_PATH,
         count: 3,
         initialIndex: 0,
         passphrase: 'vechainthor'
     debug: true,
     delegator: undefined,
     gas: 'auto',
     gasPrice: 'auto',
     gasMultiplier: 1,
     timeout: 20000,
     httpHeaders: {}
 } satisfies HttpNetworkConfig,


For a comprehensive example of using the Hardhat plugin with the VeChain SDK, visit apps/sdk-hardhat-integration. This directory contains a fully configured example that demonstrates how to integrate the VeChain SDK with Hardhat, providing a practical setup you can follow and replicate in your projects.



  • sdk-hardhat-plugin-1.0.0-beta.24.tgz

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