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IoTR - Robot Monitoring Device System

The project is developed by group of people that has interests in the field of Robotics and IoT. This group is dedicated to serve on the robotics community in Bulgaria.


GNU General Public License v3.0

Permissions of this strong copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. Copyright and license notices must be preserved. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights.



  • The complexity of the project is requires to have keelage in the field of: Arduino IDE, Adding external libraries to arduino environment, VSCode, ESP8266/ESP32 Arduino SDK, Git.
  • This project is related to IoTR - Robot Monitoring Device System. The content of the repository is the source code of ESP8266/32 on the board.
  • IDE that is used to create this project is Arduino IDE, the code is written in VSCode with Arduino extension to work with Arduino SDK and ESP8266/32 SDK.
  • The project is create in Windows 10 environment.



The environment should be prepared the wat it is given in the repo. First Arduino IDE and then all the same for all given bullets.

1. Arduino IDE

First we download and install the Arduino IDE.

  • Link - here
  • Version - 1.8.12 or greater

2.1 ESP8266 SDK

After the Arduino IDE is installed, it is time to add the ESP8266 SDK. Use link below to read the details.

  • Description - It can be add by Arduino board manager with specified SDK version.
  • Version - 2.6.3
  • Repository - here
  • License - GPL-V2.1

3. Upload files from "/data" to the MCU

This Arduino IDE extension will help to upload files to SPIFFS via Serial port to the MCU.

  • Link - Tutorial how to setup file upload here
  • Version - 0.5.0
  • License - GPL-2.0

4. VSCode

If we want to use better editor we recommend to proceed on this step, download and install VSCode.

  • Link - here
  • Version - 1.50

5. Arduino Extension for VSCode

To use VScode as development environment use this extension and do not forget to reload VSCode after installation.

  • Link - here
  • Version - 0.3.2

6. It is also possible from "/sport_apps" to use to upload the files from "/data".

  • Open terminal

  • Call the application

      $ python --path <path\to\data> --ip <ip.address.of.the.module> --user <USER_NAME> --password <PASSWORD>
  • The result should be displayed immediately after upload with status code 200.

External Libraries

All external libraries are placed: C:/Users/(Your User Name)/Documents/Arduino/libraries

0. Automated way

Use CMD instead Power Shell

cd Documents\Arduino\libraries
git clone 
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone


1. Arduino JSON Library

  • Description - CRUD operation of JSON string no the file system and network.
  • Installation - It can be add by Arduino library manager with specified library version.
  • Version - 6.X
  • Repository - here
  • License - MIT

2. NTPClient

  • Description - It is responsible to have actual date and time.
  • Installation - It can be add by Arduino library manager with specified library version.
  • Version - 2.5.0
  • Repository - here
  • License - No License

3. ESPAsyncTCP

  • Description - Async TCP socket fro ESP8266/32
  • Installation - It can not be add by Arduino library manager. It should be add manually.
  • Repository - here
  • License - LGPLv3.0

4. ESPAsyncWebServer

  • Description - Async WEB services.
  • Installation - It can not be add by Arduino library manager. It should be add manually.
  • Repository - here
  • License - No License

5. AsyncTCP

  • Description - Async TCP sockets.
  • Installation - It can not be add by Arduino library manager. It should be add manually.
  • Repository - here
  • License - LGPLv3.0

6. Async MQTT

  • Description - Communicate with MQTT broker.
  • Installation - It can not be add by Arduino library manager. It should be add manually.
  • Repository - here
  • License - MIT

7. IRremoteESP8266

  • Description - It is responsible to communicate with IR remotes.
  • Installation - It can not be add by Arduino library manager. It should be add manually.
  • Repository - here
  • License - LGPL-2.1

8. Adafruit_NeoPixel

  • Description - Communicates with programmable RGB LED WS2812.
  • Installation - It can be add by Arduino library manager with specified library version.
  • Repository - here
  • License - LGPL-3.0


Coaming soon :)