This coding challenge is designed to assess how you approach and solve a problem that is very similar to the day to day way of working at MerchantSpring. It is based off a real requirement to give you a sense of what the work is like, however it is not real work for our product. It shouldn't take more than a few hours, there are no hidden tricks, please approch this problem as you would if you were releasing it to production.
- coding-challenge-ui - this is the front end (React + Typescript)
- coding-challnge-api - this is the backend (NodeJS, Typescript + Express)
npm run dev
npm run test
- Provided is a wireframe for a widget we would like you to build (wireframe.jpeg) The application helps marketplace sellers with cross-marketplace data insights. The widget we want you to build is a view of the orders that have been placed that are overdue for shipping.
- The data to populate the widget is provided in two .csv files (coding-challnge-api/data)
- Create an REST api that reads in data from the csv and returns it to the front-end in the appropriate format
- Create the required components on the front-end to match the wireframe
- Note that the wireframe has an option for sorting, please make sure the implementation reflects this
- You can use any third party libraries you want to
- You can refactor the code, both your own and the existing code, as long as it can be run locally with the same commands
- Please don't change the format of the csv
- The code should run locally on your machine (doesn't need to be deployed anywhere)
- Please check the completed challenge in to a git repository and email us the link
- If you have any questions about the challenge or the requirements please feel free to reach out to the team and we will answer them :)