An easy way to explore .nii volumes and slices.
Use the file selector to quickily switch between .nii files:
Use the volume and slice sliders to explore the volumes and slices:
Automated analysis of volumes for motion-induced damage in images:
Our built-in analyzer uses advanced A.I. algorithm to estimate the amount of damage induced by moving subjects during the scan.
Flag the volumes you would like to exclude and export a new file:
Video demo:
Check our release page
- Python 3.6 is recommended to run or build from source
- Install all required dependencies from the requirements.txt:
On Mac:
`pip install -r Viewer/requirements/base.txt`
On Windows:
`pip install -r Viewer/requirements/windows.txt`
Navigate to the Viewer folder:
cd Viewer
Run from source:
fbs run
Freeze code:
fbs freeze
Sometimes fbs fails to copy some dependencies, you may need to manually copy the missing packages from your environment (ie: environment/lib/python3.6/site-packagers/) to the fbs build folder. The packages may included but not limited to the following:
- tensorflow
- tensorflow_core
- absl
- astor
Copy the above packages to Viewer/target/brAInzViewer/ On Mac, you should also copy the above packages to Viewer/target/
Compile installer:
fbs installer