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Releases: oslocyclotronlab/oslo-method-software

Oslo Method v1.1.6

09 Feb 14:08
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Release notes
There are three changes in this release

1. Update of prog/rhosigchi.f
Allows different calibrations and sizes for fg and *.fge matrices. Remember, all output matrices are compressed to 512 x 512 channels or less. Uses full-energy efficiency to estimate raw counts from unfolded spectra. New Chi^2 including errors in fg.rsg and fgerr.rsg. The present Chi^2 fit and value only includes statistical errors. Systematical errors from other inputs like uncertainties in experimental neutron capture level spacing (D) and average gamma width at Sn (Gg), have to be included by other means.

2. Update of mama/src/libs/gf2/foldingy.f
New SuN excitation response functions for beta+ decay. The beta+ response functions are created with the command 'ry' with option (3). New interpolation between Ex response functions takes into account the two 511 keV photons in beta+ decay.

3. Minor corrections of cosmetic nature.

Oslo Method v1.1.5

14 Sep 18:52
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Release notes

There are four major changes in this release:

1. Update of rhosigchi.f
The code 'rhosigchi.f', where the level density and gamma-ray transmission coefficient are extracted, has been updated with a new, improved uncertainty estimate for the experimental first-generation spectrum. This is called "method 1". The previous method (as described in Schiller et al., NIM A (2000)) is now denoted "method 2" and can still be used. To use the new method, one must run the first-generation method using the version of MAMA that comes with this release (MAMA v7.5.5). In the following, a short description of the new method is given.
The errors are calculated from the total spectrum (called F) and the higher-generation spectrum (called G) created from figega.f (MAMA). The errors are now only based on statistical uncertainties, s_fg = sqrt(s_F^2 + s_G^2). The s_F term dominates since s_G is based on about 50 - 100 times more counts. To ensure a reasonable uncertainty also for pixels with zero counts, s_F is set to be always >= 2.
The old method, called method 2, can still be used. As described in Schiller et al., NIM A (2000), it is a combination of roughly calculated statistical errors and an assumed factor of 2 from technical, systematic errors stemming from the choice of unfolding method, uncertain response functions and so on. With the old method, one might experience that the total estimated errors are too large, giving a too good reduced Chi**2. Method 1 is recommended for future use.

2. Update of figega.f
The code 'figega.f' (MAMA) produces now three new matrices as output (fgF.fge, fgG.fge, and fgG_all.fge), which are used as input to method 1 in 'rhosigchi.f' in order to better estimate statistical errors, as described in point 1 above.

3. Update of folding.f
When unfolding with 'folding.f' (MAMA), the distribution of counts of two neighbouring channels is corrected. The part to the left of the arrow below is the old code, the part to the right is the new and correct one.
il=INT(Egami+0.5) -> il=INT(Egami) (line 2657)
il=INT(SEi+0.5) -> il=INT(SEi) (line 2703)
il=INT(DEi+0.5) -> il=INT(DEi) (line 2724)
il=INT(ANi+0.5) -> il=INT(ANi) (line 2744)

4. Removing unnecessary folders
The dependence of certain MAMA functions using shared memory with headers in some of the routines in the sirius folder is removed. Therefore, the "sirius" folder (as well as "spy" and "update") is not needed anymore, and is now removed from the repository.

Oslo Method v1.1.4

16 Jun 19:07
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Corrected response functions for opt (3)

Oslo Method v1.1.3

27 May 11:19
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Most important changes:

  • More response functions to choose.
  • New way to include data for new response functions (thanks to Fabio).
  • Unfolding along Ex axis for SUN detector, extensions of gSF and NLD,
  • Mew stand-along-programs pjolter.c, diablo.c and premix.f (more info: see front page when you start the programs).
  • Several adjustments/tuning of codes.

Oslo Method v1.1.2

16 Dec 10:18
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Corrected Chi2 in terperature fits

Oslo Method Software

17 Jan 12:57
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Now including DOI information

Oslo Method Software

17 Jan 12:53
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Software used in the Oslo Method. This is the first release on github. However, as the software has been used extensively before, it will start with v1.1.