This repository contains Python scripts accompanying the following paper:
Emma Lång, Anna Lång, Pernille Blicher, Torbjørn Rognes, Paul Gunnar Dommersnes, and Stig Ove Bøe (2024)
Topology-guided polar ordering of collective cell migration
Science Advances, 10 (16), eadk4825
doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adk4825
Please see the Methods section of the paper for details.
All Python scripts are located in the folder scripts
. The paths to the input and output files will need to be modified within the scripts.
To calculate the velocity field using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), we employed a script that utilized the OpenPIV package. The average cell speed was extracted from the PIV data using the Python script
In addition, data on the average cell speed in monolayers subjected to stimulation, was extracted by single particle tracking carried out using the TrackMate plugin in ImageJ. The average cell speed per frame was calculated using the Python script
The +1 and -1 topological defects were detected using the Python script
. Dependencies: openpiv (version 0.24.2), numpy (version 1.23.5), matplotlib (version 3.7.1), pandas (version 1.5.3), scipy (version 1.10.1), and imageio (version 2.26.1).
The correlation length was retrieved using the Python script
The Vorticity was retrieved using the Python script
These plots were created using the Python script
These plots were created using the Python script