- Get the extension from the bridge. v2 extension library
- Add 'firework' to the very end of the compiler config:
"compiler": {
"plugins": [
"packName": "FireLabs"
- Create a
folder in you behaviour pack - Create a script with a name ending in .frw
- In an entity add the component
"frw:script_name": {}
Create functions for reusing code around the script.
func hello => {
rc("say hello world")
Firework comes with 2 native functions you can use:
- Start
- Update
Start is called once when the enity is spawned and update is called every tick.
Use molang and flags and expression to create dynamic conditions.
func start => {
if(?"q.position(1) < 64") => {
rc("say below sea level!")
Use delays to create pauses or a wait for 1 tick. This can also be used to loop.
func start => {
delay(10) => {
rc("say 3")
delay(10) => {
rc("say 2")
delay(10) => {
rc("say 1")
Create constants for later use in the script.
const foo = false
Use flags to store a dynamic boolean value.
func start => {
$foo = false
if($foo) => {
rc("say bar!")
Create dynamic flags to make a flag update every tick with a molang value.
dyn foo = ?"q.position(0) > 100"
Firework will automatically addon to your existing projects and enitities!
This script runns every tick and places a block at the entities position.
func update => {
rc("setblock ~ ~ ~ deepslate_diamond_ore")
This script sets diamonds to a random true or false value. Then, if the diamonds flag is true then place diamond ore, else place iron ore.
func update => {
$diamonds = false
if(rand()) => {
$diamonds = true
if($diamonds) => {
rc("setblock ~ ~ ~ deepslate_diamond_ore")
if(!$diamonds) => {
rc("setblock ~ ~ ~ deepslate_iron_ore")
If Only runs code if condition is true. Internally adds a slight delay to keep logic reliable.
if(expression) => {
Fif If statement but is less reliable due to not adding a slight delay.
fif(expression) => {
Else Runs if the above if or fif is false.
if(expression) => {
}else => {
Delay Delays code for x ticks.
delay(x) => {
Allows you to create a variable that stores a boolean or weak boolean.
$foo = false
Dynamic Flags
Allows you to resuse molang in expression.
dyn bar = ?"q.position(0) > 32"
Native Functions
Runs the given command in a string
Moves the value in the string
Says the value in the string
Used in molang; No paramaters = 50% chance; 1 Paramater = 1/Paramater chance
Kills entity
Define functions for reusing code. Define start
or update
which are build in. Start always executes before update. Function names may not include any symbols (except '_'), spaces, or numbers. Please not that certain symbols will now throw an error like '@' when used in a function name but is not a good practice. Names must also be less than 30 characters!
func foo => {
How To Interact With Firework From Outside Of It
•Set a flag
event entity @s frw_flagName_true
or frw_flagName_false
•Call a function
event entity @s frw_functionName
•Check for a flag
Flags are just tags with the name frw_flagName
Per Script Configs This feature allows you to customize and reuse the same script across multiple entities. In the entity:
"frw:testScript": {
"speed": "~1 ~ ~"
In script:
func update => {
This feature supports booleans, strings, and integers.
Weak Types Weak types are types that are essentially another but have somewhat different functionality. For example, molang is the same as a boolean but dynamic instead of static. This means you can add molang to anything that excepts a boolean. This allows you to do things like this:
$foo = ?"q.position(1) > 0"
Variables can store an integer from -1024 to 1024. Similar to flags the are referenced like this #foo
and can be assigned to any weak integer this means you can even set them the an expression that contains itself to do operations on the value.
#foo = foo + 1