Node wrapper for NextJS ( based consumers of RunHare events.
Inside your API folder create a new file.
// 'src/pages/api/send-email.ts'
import consumer from '@runhare/next'
interface SendEmail {
to: string
subject: string
content: string
interface DemoEvents {
'send-email': SendEmail
export default consumer<RunHareEvents>(
async (event, payload, headers) => {
`Received Event: ${event} with payload: ${JSON.stringify(payload)}`
// TODO: Process event
return { result: 'sucess' }
Exported types
import { ConsumerOptions, ConsumerResponse } from '@runhare/node'
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next'
declare const consumer: <T, K extends keyof T = keyof T>(
events: (keyof T)[],
sendKey: string,
consumerHandler: (
event: K,
payload: T[K],
headers: any
) => Promise<ConsumerResponse>,
options?: ConsumerOptions | undefined
) => (req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) => Promise<void>
export default consumer
consumer<T>([events], sendKey, handler) -> nextApiHandler
- [events] : Events this consumer will be processing.
- sendKey : Shared secret used to authenticate request
- consumerHandler : Async function that does the actual message processing.
- options.rejectUnregisteredMessages : If set, messages received not in the subscription list will be marked as failed (potentially retrying them)
next-connect ( is a cool project to allow method routing on API routes on NextJS.
Make sure you use the helper functions .use(...)
since the RunHare SDK for Nextjs handles both GET and POST requests (POST to consumer events, GET to get health and stack info)
// 'src/pages/api/send-email.ts'
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next'
import nc from 'next-connect'
import consumer from '@runhare/next'
interface SendEmail {
to: string
subject: string
content: string
interface DemoEvents {
'send-email': SendEmail
export default nc<NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse>({
onError: onErrorHandler
async (event, payload, headers) => {
`Received Event: ${event} with payload: ${JSON.stringify(payload)}`
// TODO: Process event
return { result: 'sucess' }