Camaleon CMS - Spree is a plugin of Camaleon CMS to add Camaleon CMS into Spree CMS
This plugin permit you to add custom fields for Spree Products by simple Drag and Drop, add custom fields for Camaleon Contents using Spree Products and Categories, also permits to manage your menus from Camaleon CMS.
- Install Spree
If there is an error creating admin user: please do this:rake spree_auth:admin:create
- Install Camaleon CMS '>='
- Edit Camaleon CMS Settings config/system.json
"user_model": "Spree::User",
"admin_path_name": "store_admin",
- Edit Gemfile
gem 'camaleon_spree'
- Copy private file private_helper.rb to app/helpers/plugins/camaleon_spree/private_helper.rb
- Install plugin, generate migrations and run migrations
bundle install rake camaleon_cms:generate_migrations rake db:migrate
- Restart Server
- Complete Camaleon CMS Installation by visiting: http://localhost:3000/store_admin
- Active your plugin in store_admin -> plugins
- Configure your camaleon layout in plugin settings (optional), default use spree layout for camaleon pages
- Create your custom fields for Spree Products or Camaleon Pages
- Enjoy!
- Create custom fields for Spree Products, sample: related pages.
- Spree Products and Categories as Custom fields to use in Camaleon CMS Pages, sample: related products.
- Spree Products/Categories available in Camaleon CMS menus editor
- Manage Store Menus by Camaleon CMS
Sample template for Spree Page using related products: template_product_page.html.erb Copy inside your app/apps/themes/[camaleon current theme folder]/views/template_product_page.html.erb and assign it in page edit form.
Sample frontend show product custom fields _product_custom_fields.html.erb Copy inside your app/views/defaces/product_custom_fields.html.erb and create a deface for Spree, like:
# config/initializers/spree_defaces.rb Rails.application.config.to_prepare do virtual_path: 'spree/products/show', name: 'cama_product_view_custom_fields', insert_bottom: '[data-hook="product_taxons"]', partial: 'defaces/product_custom_fields' ) end
Add Camaleon CMS Menus in Spree Layout (Download sample template here) Copy to app/views/defaces/_layout_menus.html.erb and create a deface for Spree, like:
# config/initializers/spree_defaces.rb Rails.application.config.to_prepare do virtual_path: 'spree/layouts/spree_application', name: 'cama_menus_in_spree', insert_top: '[data-hook="body"]', partial: 'defaces/layout_menus' ) end
Demonstration: Admin User: [email protected] | 12345678
More information here: