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Kai-Uwe Behrmann edited this page Dec 21, 2017 · 1 revision

Color-Managed Printing eXtension (libCmpx) is a library that extends color management functionality to print dialogs. It is based on the proposed PDF print workflow for Linux.

Table of Contents


Image:Libcmpxmodel sm.png

LibCmpx is organized using five distinct components:

libCmpx API: The primary interface for an application. It contains the essential functions for the programmer to initialize color-management from within the application's print dialog.

For printer color-management to work, the dialog programmer must pass into libCmpx two sets of input:

-The printer settings as obtained by the dialog ("Print Resolution", "Media Type", "Print Quality", etc.).

-A PDF file of the ready-to-print image.

The appropriate API calls are shown below in "API Usage". A libCmpx Color Management Object struct (libcmpx_cm_t) is required throughout the application to pass-in and receive information via libCmpx.

libCmpx Color Management Layer: This component is responsible for delegating the appropriate API calls into the appropriate processing module(s). What the layer does is execute the algorithms that handle the library's color-management functionality – data received from a libcmpx_cm_t struct is passed either to the "Renderer" or "Selector" modules (or both, depending on the requested API operation).

libCmpx Processing Modules: There are two distinct modules in libCmpx: libCmpx Selector and libCmpx Renderer. Both modules are the heart of libCmpx - the former handling automatic profile-selection and printer driver calibration, and the latter handling the rendering of a PDF OutputIntent.

The Selector module uses Oyranos for profile calibration which, through the use of its CUPS module, handles generating a calibrated PPD file. It processes the printer settings specified by the user in the print dialog, and returns back an updated set of options. For instance, if a user chooses sets an "auto-select ICC profile" mode from the print dialog, the Selector module will simply return a correct ICC profile back into a dialog. But if a user instead manually chooses a specific profile in the dialog, the Selector module will return back calibrated printer settings.

The Renderer module uses Ghostscript to embed an ICC profile into an application's output image file, which will then be ready for the print chain.

libCmpx Internal: All of the lower-level operations, structures, and definitions required from the processing modules are stored in libCmpx internal.


The library depends on Oyranos for ICC profile selection, and Ghostscript for spool PDF rendering.

In addition, it is assumed that the print dialog is using CUPS.

Version requirements for these dependencies are as follows:


libCmpx can be obtained through git.

 $ git clone git://

Once the project is downloaded, enter its root directory and type the following:

 $ mkdir build
 $ cd build
 $ cmake ..
 $ make
 $ make install

After installing libcmpx, a test print dialog can be launched using the following command from any place in your console:

 $ cmpxDiag

Updates can be obtained by typing:

 $ git pull

API Usage

The libCmpx API is based on the prototype library invented for the XCPD. As such, the API usage is very similar between the two.

Sample Code

The following code demonstrates printer profile selection and PDF rendering using the libCmpx API.

 cmpx_selectormode_t getProfileSelectionMode();
 void getPrintSettings(cmpx_cm_t**);
 void setManualProfile(cmpx_cm_t**);
    /* Initialize API color management */
    cmpx_cm_t* cm = cmpxAPI_initialize();     
    /* Set the printer */
    cmpxAPI_setCurrentPrinter(&cm, "CupsDestPrinterName");
    /* Get profile selection mode from the GUI. (see the box below) */
    cmpx_selectormode_t mode = getProfileSelectionMode(); 
    /* Set the profile for libCmpx. */
    if(mode == CMPX_USERSELECT_MODE)
    else if (mode != CMPX_SELECTORMODE_NOTSET){
      selector_status = cmpxAPI_setAutoProfile(&cm);
    /* Render the PDF */
    renderer_status = cmpxAPI_setSpoolPdf(&cm, 0);
    return 0;

The following helper functions are part of the ICC profile selection in the UI. (Using Qt.)

 QString iccModeString;
 QComboBox iccModeComboBox;
   if(iccModeString == "Auto Set")
   else if (iccModeString == "Manual") 
 void setManualProfile(cmpx_cm_t** cm_obj)
    QString userSelection = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(. . .);
    const char* user_profile = userSelection.toLocal8Bit();
    cmpxAPI_setProfile(cm_obj, user_profile);  

Automatic profile selection using libCmpx requires obtaining the human-readable option settings from within the print dialog. This can be achieved in the following way, which uses the minimal three UI combobox settings: "Media Type", "Resolution", and "Color Model".

 QString mtComboboxText, rsComboboxText, cmComboboxText;
 char *mt_value, *rs_value, *cm_value;
    mt_value = strdup(mtComboboxText.toLocal8Bit());
    rs_value = strdup(rsComboboxText.toLocal8Bit());
    cm_value = strdup(cmComboboxText.toLocal8Bit());
    // Store option values into the libCmpx color manager object. 
    // Further print option enumerations are found in libcmpx_defs.h.
    cmpxAPI_setPrintOption(cm_obj, CMPX_UI_MEDIATYPE, mt_value);
    cmpxAPI_setPrintOption(cm_obj, CMPX_UI_RESOLUTION, rs_value);
    cmpxAPI_setPrintOption(cm_obj, CMPX_UI_COLORMODEL, cm_value);
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