[Practical Course: High-Performance Query Processing (IN0012, IN2106, IN4359)] Please fork this repo and add a text file containing
- Name: [Your Name]
- ID: [Your Student ID] we will update the repo with additional tasks every week
Complete each assignment until the following session (Tuesday 23:59).
- linux; if you want to use a different system you may need to change some stuff in the templates first
- make
- the thread building blocks library
- link: https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB
- debian:
apt install libtbb-dev
(this is the new oneapi tbb)
- formatting lib:
apt install libfmt-dev
- clang-format for p2c:
apt install clang-format
- TPC-H data: https://tumde-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/till_steinert_tum_de/EgF_hW0dMfVKnQINJUiynt8BOadVns6K53A8Hd-Hcnjbzw?e=mHZBGr
Manually implement the given queries in bin/manualjoin.cpp
and bin/aggregation.cpp
make bin/manualjoin.out
gdb --args bin/manualjoin.out [arguments]
Performance build:
make target=release bin/manualjoin.out
Compiling with variant flag as flag like VARIANT_tagged: (the flag is added to both the compiler and to the compiled query)
make target=release variant=tagged bin/manualjoin.out
Also try target=sanitize
to use the address sanitizer.