This is a project for the Integrify Academy Frontend module. The task was to create an e-commerce website using API endpoints from
You can visit and check the demo website online by clicking Visit Website
- Typescript
- React
- Redux toolkit
- Jest
- able to view all product listings (all or by category)
- able to filter products
- able to view single product page
- able to register
- able to log in
- able to view own account details
- able to modify email, password and name for self
- able to log out
- able to create cart
- able to update cart
- able to check out cart
- able to view orders
- able to modify products (create, update, delete)
- able to modify users (create, update, delete)
- able to modify categories (create, update, delete)
- able to view orders
- can be viewed as list (all/by category)
- can be viewed individually
- can be sorted (by price)
- can be filtered
- can be added to cart(by logged in user)
- can be created, modified and deleted (by admin)
- can be viewed as list
- can be created
- can be modified (add cart item, update cart item quantity, delete cart item)
- can be checked out
- can be deleted
Basic requirements
- Fetch and display all and single products.
- Create at least 4 pages (products, profile, user, cart)
- Product reducer
- User reducer
- Cart reducer
- Adding and removing from the cart
- Login and authorization (admins can delete and update products)
- Routing and private pages
- Testing the reducers
- Rewrite the README, deploy the project, add the deployment link here and to the
Bonus requirements
- Context API
- Pagination when fetching and displaying.
- Any performance optimization, remember to mention it ie useMemo, debounce, etc
Requirements: Node
After cloning the project run npm install
in project directory.
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode