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Pannous edited this page Nov 4, 2021 · 8 revisions

There are two kinds of mutability:

  • mutable variables can point to different objects during their lifetime.
  • mutable objects can change during their lifetime.
x+=" world" # ok, value was mutable
x="bye" # ok, variable was mutable
  • immutable variables point to the same object during their lifetime.
  • immutable objects stay completely unchanged during their lifetime.


The first variant is called 'let' variable:

final x="hello"
val x="hello"
let x="hello"
x+=" world"  # ok, value was mutable
x="bye" # error: variable was immutable

Both properties can be combined with the constant keyword or with the := sigil:

constant x = "hello"
x := "hello" # ok redundant redeclaration
x+="ok" # error: immutable value
x="hi" # error: constant variable

See keyword 'constant' on how to finetune semantics.

This is near identical to JavaScript's:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'x' has already been declared Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

The differences being:

  • In Angle it is allowed to re-declare a variable IF the value is identical.
  • In JavaScript it is allowed to modify the values of constant variables
  • In JavaScript it is allowed to re-declare variables without let:
const x=7
x=7 # ok in Angle, error in JS

const y=[1,2,3]
y.remove(1) # ok in JavaScript, error in Angle
[ 2, 3 ]

let x=1
x=2 # ok in JavaScript
let x=2 # error

Immutable lists are equivalent to tuples in other languages and can be defined as such:

immutable a=(1,2,3)
const b=(1,2,3)
tuple c(1,2,3)

self mutation

It is very important to distinguish between returning mutated data and self mutation.

All self mutating functions must end with exclamation point and do so automatically! Todo: Make the compiler enforce this rule!

print uppercase x
print x
uppercase x!
print x

mutating syntax

The following are identical:

uppercase x!
uppercase! x

Discarding a non-mutating “pure” function results in a warning or error.

uppercase x  // “Unused pure function value, did you mean to assign it or self mutate via '!'

Assigning a mutated function value results in a warning or error.

y = x.uppercase!  // “⚠️ self mutating function, did you mean to call pure function without '!' ?



data & code blocks








todo : bad ideas and open questions

⚠️ specification and progress are out of sync

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