Printing an ASCII tree with Go (education purpose).
Thanks to for the idea.
Example of ASCII tree:
├ root1
│ ├ sibling1
│ └ sibling2
│ ├ sibling1
│ └ sibling2
└ root2
├ sibling1
└ sibling2
package main
import (
func main() {
tree := timber_example.Branch{
Label: "branch",
Items: []timber_interface.NodeTree{
Label: "branch",
Items: []timber_interface.NodeTree{
timber_example.Leaf{Label: "leaf"},
timber_example.Leaf{Label: "leaf"},
timber_example.Leaf{Label: "leaf"},
timber_example.Leaf{Label: "leaf"},
printer := timber.NewDefaultPrinter()
will output
2023/01/18 17:35:19 └ branch
2023/01/18 17:35:19 ├ branch
2023/01/18 17:35:19 │ ├ leaf
2023/01/18 17:35:19 │ ├ leaf
2023/01/18 17:35:19 │ └ leaf
2023/01/18 17:35:19 └ leaf
If a custom printer function or result aggregator function is needed, use:
func NewCustomPrinter(printerFn PrinterFn, result interface{}, resultFn ResultFn) *customPrinter
$ go version
go version go1.19.3 windows/amd64
go get
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