A powerfull, modern and customizable lightdm greeter for Pardus GNU/Linux.
- UI Scale
- Icon and gtk theme changing
- Debug mode
- Can run initial command before loading
- Can run command before login
- Can block root login
- Can block autologin
- Keyboard layout switcher
- On screen keyboard
- Numlock/Capslock state indicator
- Can enable numlock on start
- Empty password login
- Login without enter (password cache)
- Custom logo
- Custom background
- Use user bacrground
- Multiple display
- Can change default monitor
- User list
- Remove user from list
- Ignore user
- Show realname as username
- Custom clock format
- Custom date format
- Show local and public ip adress
- Custom action buttons for running any commands
- Load config from conf.d files
- For more features, additional module support
All features can configurable from /etc/pardus/greeter.conf
You can create your own configuration like /etc/pardus/greeter.conf.d/example.conf
- gir1.2-lightdm-1
- python3-x11
- gir1-2-gtk-3.0
- lightdm
# Compile
meson setup build
ninja -C build
# install
ninja -C build install