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Abstract Syntax Tree

lziq edited this page Nov 22, 2022 · 3 revisions

Introduction to PartiQL AST

Design concerns

Abstract Semantic Tree

It seems the term "AST" is often extended to mean more things than just "Abstract Syntax Tree" and our use of the term is no different. A better term might have been "Abstract Semantic Tree" because our AST was defined with the goal of modeling the intent of the PartiQL source and not the exact syntax. Thus, the original SQL from which an AST was constituted cannot be derived, however the semantics of that SQL are guaranteed to be preserved. One example that demonstrates this is the fact that we model a CROSS JOIN in the same way that we model an INNER JOIN with a condition of TRUE. Semantically, these have the exact same functionality, so they have the same representation in the AST.

Tree Structure

It is Actually a Tree

Language implementations often use the term "Abstract Syntax Tree" to refer to a data structure that is actually a graph. Our implementation for PartiQL's AST is a tree and not a graph. It contains no cycles and each node can only reference its children.


PartiQL uses PIG to concisely defines the structure of our ASTs. partiql.ion contains the type universe, which specified named constraints for every node and its attributes in the generated AST.

The rest of this doc describes some points of the implementation of PIG-generated code.


No mechanism has been provided to mutate an instance of the AST after it has been instantiated. Modifications to an existing tree must use cloning re-writes--for instance, a visitor transform that returns a modified version of the input tree can be utilized.

Design Patterns Used with the AST

The AST employs a number of patterns and utilizes certain features of Kotlin to aid with the development process. Without any introduction, the reasoning behind these patterns may not be completely apparent at first glance. What follows is an attempt to document those patterns and features.

  1. When-As-Expression over Sealed Type Derived Classes

Kotlin's when can be used as a statement or as an expression.

    sealed class Foo
    class Bar : Foo(val i: Int)
    class Bat : Foo(val n: String)
    class Bonk : Foo(val o: Boolean)
    val foo = //... an instance of Foo ...
    // This a statement because the value is not consumed...
    when(foo) -> {
        is Bar -> { println("It's a bar!" }
        is Bat -> { println("It's a bat!" }
        //A compiler warning is issued because no case for Bonk exists.
    // This is an expression because the value is assigned to variable foo.
    val foo = when(bar) { 
        is Bat -> "It's a bat!"
        is Baz -> "It's a baz!"
        //A compile-time error is generated because there is no case for Bonk -- when branches must be exhaustive.

When when is used as an expression Kotlin requires that the cases are exhaustive, meaning that all possible branches are included or it has an else clause. Unfortunately, the Kotlin compiler issues a warning instead of an error when the result of the when expression is not consumed. We have developed a simple way to gain these compile-time checks for when statements as well. This method involves treating them as expressions.

Consider the following:

    when(expr) {
        is Id -> case {
        is Lit -> case {
        // and so on for all types derived from Expr

In order to help make sense of this, the definitions of case and toUnit follow:

    inline fun case(block: () -> Unit): WhenAsExpressionHelper {
        return WhenAsExpressionHelper.Instance

    class WhenAsExpressionHelper private constructor() {
        fun toUnit() {}
        companion object {
            val Instance = WhenAsExpressionHelper()

Every branch of the when expression calls the case() function whose first argument is a literal lambda. case() invokes the lambda and returns the sentinel instance of WhenAsExpressionHelper. This forces when to have a result. WhenAsExpressionHelper then has a single method, toUnit(), which does nothing--its purpose however is to consume of result the when expression.

When case() and toUnit() are used together in this fashion the Kotlin compiler considers the when an expression and will require that a branch exists for all derived types or that an else branch is present.

This helps improve maintainability of code that uses the AST because when a new type that inherits from PartiqlAst.Expr is added then those when expressions which do not include an else branch will generate compiler errors and the developer will know they need to be updated to include the new node type. For this reason, the developer should carefully consider the use of else branches and instead should consider explicit empty branches for each of the derived types instead.

Also note that the use of case() and toUnit() is not needed when the value of the when expression is consumed by other means. For example, the compiler will still require a branch for every derived type in this scenario because the result of the when becomes the function's return value:

   fun transformNode(astNode: PartiqlAst.Expr): PartiqlAst.Expr = when(astNode) {
       is Lit -> { // case() is not needed
           //Perform cloning transform
       is Id -> { // case() is not needed
           //Perform cloning transform
       //and so on for all nodes
   } //.toUnit() is not needed
  1. Arbitrary Meta Information Can Be Attached to Any Node

TODO: leaving this part unspecified for the moment because there is still some uncertainty surrounding how metas work.

  1. Rules for working with the AST
  • Always add new properties before the metas: MetaContainer of a new property.
  • When using when with a sealed class and branching by derived types as a statement use case() and toUnit() to trick the Kotlin compiler into being helpful.
  • When using when with the derived types of a sealed class, use destructuring in each branch where possible.
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