step 1 go to Google Play store and download the application droidedit
step 2 go to Google Chrome and install the given link
step 3 download the calculator.html file
step 4 go to your phone folder and locate the downloaded file hold on it until you find out that it is selected then click the three dot and select Open with Chrome to view the calculator and check its operations
step 5 repeat step four but this time select Open with droidedit
so that you can start editing the file
step 6 as at this point open your screen recorder to record your actions while editing and testing the calculator file
step 7 locate the name Paschal and edit it to your own name
step 8 locate
<button onclick="appendDisplay('+')" class="operation">-</button>
and<button onclick="appendDisplay('-')" class="operation">+</button>
make it rhyme as thought in classstep 9 save the code and head back to your Chrome browser
step 10 test the operation and check if the plus and minus button has been corrected
stop the video and send it(the screen recorded video) to your teacher (me) on WhatsApp on 09153105037