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implemented multiple pane support
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pasqu4le committed Apr 11, 2018
1 parent b557500 commit 283e238
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15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions
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@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# Command Line Interface File Manager
Clifm is a small file manager written in Haskell with a command line interface. It allows you to explore directories in multiple tabs and perform basic operations.
Clifm is a small file manager written in Haskell with a command line interface. It allows you to explore directories in multiple Panes/Tabs and perform basic operations.


> Note: this is still an experiment and might be unstable. I do not recommend using it as your daily File Manager and I take no responsibility on what you do with it.
> Note: this is still an experiment. Directory navigation will do no harm, but think twice before starting operations on your file system. I take no responsibility for what you do with this software.
## Building and Running
To install clifm, you need [GHC]( and [cabal-install](
Expand All @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ $ cabal install
## Features
Clifm is a [brick]( application, that in turn builds upon [vty]( As such it supports a large number of terminals, but not on Windows, handles windows resizing and more.

If your terminal supports a mouse you can use it to change tab, click a button on the bottom or change your selection, but only using the keyboard you can perform every possible action. This is the list of all the keybindings:
If your terminal supports a mouse you can use it to change Tab/Pane, click a button on the bottom or change your selection, but only using the keyboard you can perform every possible action. This is the list of all the keybindings:

- Up/Down Arrow: move the selection in the current Tab
- PageUp/PageDown: move the selection in the current Tab by one page at a time
Expand All @@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ If your terminal supports a mouse you can use it to change tab, click a button o
- R: **R**efresh the current Tab
- O: **O**rder by file name/file size/access time/modification time
- I: **I**nvert order
- Ctrl+E: Open **E**mpty Pane
- Ctrl+K: **K**ill (close) the current Pane
- Left/Right Arrow: Focus on the previous/next Pane

The actions above will not work only if a prompt is up, or you try to do something not possible.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,7 +94,7 @@ Complete explanation from [Brick.Themes](
> Attribute names with multiple components (e.g. attr1 <> attr2) can be referenced in customization files by separating the names with a dot. For example, the attribute name "list" <> "selected" can be referenced by using the string "list.selected".
## TODOs
- better bottom menu (avoid too many buttons at once)
- more settings (using command line arguments)
- mc directory comparison
- multi-pane view
- find a way to read correctly a directory size
- mc directory comparison (need to solve the next point first)
- find a way to read correctly a directory size in reasonable time
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion clifm.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ name: clifm
-- PVP summary: +-+------- breaking API changes
-- | | +----- non-breaking API additions
-- | | | +--- code changes with no API change

-- A short (one-line) description of the package.
synopsis: Command Line Interface File Manager
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ executable clifm
-- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
other-modules: Types
Expand Down
Binary file modified screenshot.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions src/Types.hs
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Expand Up @@ -8,15 +8,21 @@ import Brick.AttrMap (AttrName, AttrMap, attrName, attrMap)
import Graphics.Vty (defAttr, withStyle, underline, black, yellow, white, blue, red)
import Brick.Util (on, fg, bg)
import Brick.Widgets.Edit (editFocusedAttr)
import Brick.Widgets.List (listSelectedFocusedAttr)

-- names and events
data Name = BVal Char Bool | LScroll | LNum Int | PEdit | EList deriving (Ord, Show, Eq)
import Brick.Widgets.List (listSelectedFocusedAttr, listSelectedAttr)

-- data definitions
data Name = Button {charBind :: Char, withCtrl :: Bool} |
LabelsRow {pnName :: PaneName} |
Label {pnName :: PaneName, labelNum :: Int} |
PromptEditor |
EntryList {pnName :: PaneName} deriving (Ord, Show, Eq)
data ThreadEvent a = ThreadClosed | ThreadSuccess a | ThreadError String
type PaneName = Int

-- attributes and themes
defaultTheme :: Theme
defaultTheme = newTheme (white `on` black) [
(listSelectedAttr, fg yellow),
(listSelectedFocusedAttr, black `on` yellow),
(keybindAttr, fg white `withStyle` underline),
(promptAttr, bg blue),
Expand Down
171 changes: 72 additions & 99 deletions src/Widgets/Manager.hs
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@@ -1,40 +1,39 @@
module Widgets.Manager where
import Types
import Widgets.Pane
import Widgets.Tab
import Widgets.Clipboard
import Widgets.Prompt

import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import System.Process (callCommand)
import Control.Exception (try, SomeException)
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Brick.Main (continue, halt, suspendAndResume)
import Brick.Widgets.Core ((<+>), str, hBox, vBox, vLimit, viewport, withBorderStyle, clickable)
import Brick.Widgets.Core ((<+>), str, hBox, vBox, vLimit, withBorderStyle, clickable)
import Brick.Types (Widget, BrickEvent(..), EventM, Next, ViewportType(..), Location(..))
import Brick.Widgets.Border (border, hBorder, borderWithLabel)
import Brick.Widgets.Border (border, vBorder, hBorder, borderWithLabel)
import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style (unicodeBold)
import Brick.BChan (BChan)
import Graphics.Vty (Event(EvKey), Key(..), Modifier(MCtrl))
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List.PointedList (PointedList, _focus, replace, delete, singleton, insert, insertLeft, moveTo, withFocus, atStart, atEnd)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.List.PointedList (PointedList, _focus, replace, delete, singleton, insert, moveTo, withFocus, find)
import Data.List.PointedList.Circular (next, previous)

data State = State {tabZipper :: TabZipper,
data State = State {paneZipper :: PaneZipper,
lastPaneName :: PaneName,
clipboard :: Clipboard,
prompt :: Maybe Prompt,
editorCommand :: String,
eventChan :: BChan (ThreadEvent Tab)
type TabZipper = PointedList Tab
type PaneZipper = PointedList Pane

-- creation functions
makeState :: FilePath -> String -> BChan (ThreadEvent Tab) -> IO State
makeState path editCom eChan = do
zp <- makeTabZipper path
return $ State zp EmptyBoard Nothing editCom eChan

makeTabZipper :: FilePath -> IO TabZipper
makeTabZipper path = singleton <$> makeDirTab path
pane <- makePane 0 path
return $ State (singleton pane) 0 EmptyBoard Nothing editCom eChan

-- rendering functions
drawUi :: State -> [Widget Name]
Expand All @@ -43,37 +42,32 @@ drawUi state = case prompt state of
_ -> [renderMainUI state]

renderMainUI :: State -> Widget Name
renderMainUI state = vBox [labels, topSep, content, botSep, menu]
renderMainUI state = vBox [panes, botSep, menu]
zipper = tabZipper state
labels = vLimit 2 . viewport LScroll Horizontal $ renderLabels zipper
topSep = renderPathSeparator $ current zipper
content = clickable EList . renderContent $ current zipper
panes = renderPanes $ paneZipper state
botSep = withBorderStyle unicodeBold hBorder
menu = vLimit 3 $ renderMenu state

renderLabels :: TabZipper -> Widget Name
renderLabels zipper = hBox . map clickableLabel $ zip labels [0..]
where labels = map renderLabel . toList $ withFocus zipper

clickableLabel :: (Widget Name, Int) -> Widget Name
clickableLabel (l, n) = clickable (LNum n) l
renderPanes :: PaneZipper -> Widget Name
renderPanes = hBox . intersperse vBorder . map renderPane . toList . withFocus

renderMenu :: State -> Widget Name
renderMenu st = hBox . (renderClipboard (clipboard st) :) . renderButtons . current $ tabZipper st
renderMenu st = hBox . (renderClipboard (clipboard st) :) . renderButtons . currentTab $ currentPane st

renderButtons :: Tab -> [Widget Name]
renderButtons tab = map renderButton $ tabButtons tab ++ indipendentButtons

renderButton :: (Widget Name, Char, Bool) -> Widget Name
renderButton (s, c, b) = clickable (BVal c b) $ btBr s
renderButton (s, c, b) = clickable Button {charBind = c, withCtrl = b} $ btBr s
where btBr = if b then borderWithLabel (str $ "C-" ++ [toUpper c]) else border

indipendentButtons :: [(Widget Name, Char, Bool)]
indipendentButtons = [
(keybindStr "e" <+> str "mpty tab", 'e', False),
(keybindStr "g" <+> str "o to", 'g', False),
(keybindStr "k" <+> str "ill tab", 'k', False),
(keybindStr "e" <+> str "mpty pane", 'e', True),
(keybindStr "k" <+> str "ill pane", 'k', True),
(keybindStr "q" <+> str "uit", 'q', False)

Expand All @@ -88,7 +82,7 @@ handlePrompt ev pr state = do
promptRes <- handlePromptEvent ev pr (eventChan state)
case promptRes of
Left pr -> updatePrompt pr state --updates the prompt and keeps it up
Right tab -> updateZipper (replace tab) state --replaces with the resulting tab and closes the prompt
Right tab -> updateCurrentPane (updateTabZipper (replace tab)) state --updates with the resulting tab and closes the prompt

handleMain :: BrickEvent Name (ThreadEvent Tab) -> State -> EventM Name (Next State)
handleMain (VtyEvent ev) = case ev of
Expand All @@ -101,54 +95,51 @@ handleMain (VtyEvent ev) = case ev of
EvKey (KChar 'd') [MCtrl] -> openPrompt makeDeletePrompt
EvKey (KChar 'o') [MCtrl] -> openTabDir True
EvKey (KChar 's') [MCtrl] -> openPrompt makeSearchPrompt
EvKey (KChar 'k') [] -> updateZipper removeTab
EvKey (KChar 's') [] -> openPrompt makeDisplayInfoPrompt
EvKey (KChar 'm') [] -> openPrompt makeMkdirPrompt
EvKey (KChar 't') [] -> openPrompt makeTouchPrompt
EvKey (KChar 'g') [] -> openPrompt makeGoToPrompt
EvKey (KChar 'e') [] -> updateZipper (insert makeEmptyTab)
EvKey (KChar 'r') [] -> updateZipperEv reloadCurrentTab
EvKey (KChar '\t') [] -> updateZipper next
EvKey KBackTab [] -> updateZipper previous
EvKey KLeft [MCtrl] -> updateZipper swapWithPrevious
EvKey KRight [MCtrl] -> updateZipper swapWithNext
EvKey KEnter [] -> openTabEntry
_ -> updateZipperEv (updateCurrentTab ev)
EvKey (KChar 'e') [MCtrl] -> addPane
EvKey (KChar 'k') [MCtrl] -> closePane
EvKey KLeft [] -> previousPane
EvKey KRight [] -> nextPane
_ -> updateCurrentPane (handlePaneEvent ev)
handleMain (MouseUp name _ (Location pos)) = case name of
EList -> updateZipper (moveTabToRow $ snd pos)
(LNum n) -> updateZipper (moveToNth n)
(BVal c b) -> handleMain . VtyEvent $ EvKey (KChar c) [MCtrl | b]
EntryList {pnName = pName} -> updateCurrentPane (moveTabToRow $ snd pos) . focusOnPane pName
Label {pnName = pName, labelNum = n} -> updateCurrentPane (updateTabZipper (moveToNth n)) . focusOnPane pName
Button {charBind = c, withCtrl = b} -> handleMain . VtyEvent $ EvKey (KChar c) [MCtrl | b]
_ -> continue
handleMain _ = continue

-- state-changing functions
updateZipper :: (TabZipper -> TabZipper) -> State -> EventM Name (Next State)
updateZipper f st = continue $ st {tabZipper=f $ tabZipper st, prompt=Nothing}
updateCurrentPane :: (Pane -> EventM Name Pane) -> State -> EventM Name (Next State)
updateCurrentPane func state = do
newPane <- func $ currentPane state
continue $ state {paneZipper = replace newPane $ paneZipper state, prompt = Nothing}

updateClipboard :: (Entry -> Clipboard) -> State -> EventM Name (Next State)
updateClipboard f st = continue $ case selectedEntry . current $ tabZipper st of
(Just entry) -> st {clipboard=f entry, prompt=Nothing}
_ -> st {prompt=Nothing}
updateClipboard f st = continue $ case selectedEntry . currentTab $ currentPane st of
(Just entry) -> st {clipboard=f entry}
_ -> st

updatePrompt :: Prompt -> State -> EventM Name (Next State)
updatePrompt pr st = continue $ st {prompt=Just pr}

openPrompt :: (Tab -> Prompt) -> State -> EventM Name (Next State)
openPrompt f st = continue $ st {prompt=Just . f . current $ tabZipper st}

openPromptWithClip :: (Clipboard -> Tab -> Prompt) -> State -> EventM Name (Next State)
openPromptWithClip f st = continue $ st {prompt=Just . f (clipboard st) . current $ tabZipper st}
openPrompt :: (Tab -> PaneName -> Prompt) -> State -> EventM Name (Next State)
openPrompt func state = continue $ state {prompt = Just $ func tab pName}
tab = currentTab $ currentPane state
pName = paneName $ currentPane state

updateZipperEv :: (Tab -> EventM Name (TabZipper -> TabZipper)) -> State -> EventM Name (Next State)
updateZipperEv inputFunc s = do
func <- inputFunc . current $ tabZipper s
updateZipper func s
openPromptWithClip :: (Clipboard -> Tab -> PaneName -> Prompt) -> State -> EventM Name (Next State)
openPromptWithClip func state = openPrompt (func $ clipboard state) state

openTabEntry :: State -> EventM Name (Next State)
openTabEntry s = case selectedEntry . current $ tabZipper s of
Just DirEntry {} -> openTabDir False s
Just (FileEntry n p i) -> openTabFile (FileEntry n p i) s
_ -> continue s
openTabEntry state = case selectedEntry . currentTab $ currentPane state of
Just DirEntry {} -> openTabDir False state
Just (FileEntry n p i) -> openTabFile (FileEntry n p i) state
_ -> continue state

openTabFile :: Entry -> State -> EventM Name (Next State)
openTabFile fileEntry
Expand All @@ -168,48 +159,30 @@ runExternal com s = do
return s

openTabDir :: Bool -> State -> EventM Name (Next State)
openTabDir inNew = updateZipperEv (openSelectedDir inNew)

openSelectedDir :: Bool -> Tab -> EventM Name (TabZipper -> TabZipper)
openSelectedDir inNew tab = case selectedEntry tab of
Just DirEntry {entryPath = path} -> (if inNew then insertFixed else replace) <$> liftIO (makeDirTab path)
_ -> return id

reloadCurrentTab :: Tab -> EventM Name (TabZipper -> TabZipper)
reloadCurrentTab tab = replace <$> liftIO (reload tab)

updateCurrentTab :: Event -> Tab -> EventM Name (TabZipper -> TabZipper)
updateCurrentTab ev tab = replace <$> handleTabEvent ev tab

-- tab and tabZipper utility functions
moveTabToRow :: Int -> TabZipper -> TabZipper
moveTabToRow row zipper = replace (moveToRow row $ current zipper) zipper

current :: TabZipper -> Tab
current = _focus

removeTab :: TabZipper -> TabZipper
removeTab zipper = case delete zipper of
Just newZipper -> newZipper
_ -> singleton makeEmptyTab

moveToNth :: Int -> TabZipper -> TabZipper
moveToNth n zipper = case moveTo n zipper of
Just newZipper -> newZipper
_ -> zipper

insertFixed :: Tab -> TabZipper -> TabZipper
insertFixed tab = previous . insert tab

swapWithPrevious :: TabZipper -> TabZipper
swapWithPrevious zipper
| atStart zipper && atEnd zipper = zipper
| atStart zipper = insert (current zipper) . previous $ removeTab zipper
| atEnd zipper = insertLeft (current zipper) $ removeTab zipper
| otherwise = insertLeft (current zipper) . previous $ removeTab zipper

swapWithNext :: TabZipper -> TabZipper
swapWithNext zipper
| atStart zipper && atEnd zipper = zipper
| atEnd zipper = insertLeft (current zipper) . next $ removeTab zipper
| otherwise = insert (current zipper) $ removeTab zipper
openTabDir inNew = updateCurrentPane (openSelectedDir inNew)

addPane :: State -> EventM Name (Next State)
addPane state = continue $ state {paneZipper = newZipper, lastPaneName = newName}
newName = 1 + lastPaneName state
newZipper = insert (makeEmptyPane newName) $ paneZipper state

closePane :: State -> EventM Name (Next State)
closePane state = continue $ case delete $ paneZipper state of
Just newZipper -> state {paneZipper = newZipper}
_ -> state

nextPane :: State -> EventM Name (Next State)
nextPane state = continue $ state {paneZipper = next $ paneZipper state}

previousPane :: State -> EventM Name (Next State)
previousPane state = continue $ state {paneZipper = previous $ paneZipper state}

-- pane and paneZipper utility functions
currentPane :: State -> Pane
currentPane = _focus . paneZipper

focusOnPane :: PaneName -> State -> State
focusOnPane pName state = case find (makeEmptyPane pName) $ paneZipper state of
Just newZipper -> state {paneZipper = newZipper}
_ -> state

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