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doc/ passbolt list resource

Lists Passbolt Resources


Lists Passbolt Resources

passbolt list resource [flags]


  -c, --column stringArray   Columns to return, possible Columns:
                             ID, FolderParentID, Name, Username, URI, Password, Description, CreatedTimestamp, ModifiedTimestamp (default [ID,FolderParentID,Name,Username,URI])
      --favorite             Resources that are marked as favorite
  -f, --folder stringArray   Resources that are in folder
  -g, --group string         Resources that are shared with group
  -h, --help                 help for resource
      --own                  Resources that are owned by me

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string                    Config File
      --debug                            Enable Debug Logging
      --filter string                    Define a CEl expression as filter for any list commands. In the expression, all available columns of subcommand can be used (see -c/--column).
                                         See also CEl specifications under
                                         	--filter '(Name == "SomeName" || matches(Name, "RegExpr")) && URI.startsWith("https://auth.")'
                                         	--filter 'Username == "User" && CreatedTimestamp > timestamp("2022-06-10T00:00:00.000-00:00")'
  -j, --json                             Output JSON
      --mfaDelay duration                Delay between MFA Attempts, only used in noninteractive modes (default 10s)
      --mfaMode string                   How to Handle MFA, the following Modes exist: none, interactive-totp and noninteractive-totp (default "interactive-totp")
      --mfaRetrys uint                   How often to retry TOTP Auth, only used in nointeractive modes (default 3)
      --mfaTotpOffset duration           TOTP Generation offset only used in noninteractive-totp mode
      --mfaTotpToken string              Token to generate TOTP's, only used in nointeractive-totp mode
      --serverAddress string             Passbolt Server Address (
      --timeout duration                 Timeout for the Context (default 1m0s)
      --tlsClientCert string             Client certificate for mtls
      --tlsClientCertFile string         Client certificate path for mtls
      --tlsClientPrivateKey string       Client private key for mtls
      --tlsClientPrivateKeyFile string   Client private key path for mtls
      --tlsSkipVerify                    Allow servers with self-signed certificates
      --userPassword string              Passbolt User Password
      --userPrivateKey string            Passbolt User Private Key
      --userPrivateKeyFile string        Passbolt User Private Key File, if set then the userPrivateKey will be Overwritten with the File Content