October 2020
tl;dr: object detection in crowded (but not necessarily occluded scene), and proposed one new retail dataset SKU110k.
This paper proposes a novel method to do object detection in densely packed scene with a new NMS method. This method will not necessarily work when there is a lot of occlusion. Fortunately for retail scenes, occlusion does not seem to be a huge problem.
The added IoU branch looks much like that in IoU Net. In both methods, the IoU score (instead of the classification score) is used for bbox NMS. However SKU110k also
This problem may be much better tackled with segmentation or keypoint detection method. In other words, anchor free methods like CenterNet or FCOS may work perfectly in this scenario.
- Each bbox has an IoU score prediction. It is trained with a binary CE loss.
- A good objectness cls would be invariant to occlusion and translation.
- EM Merger as an alternative to NMS. It filters, merges the overlapping detection clusters before NMS to resolve a single object per object.
- Detections as Gaussians. Convert each detection to a Gaussian blob with std proportional to the size of the bbox. This generates a heatmap from weighted average of Gaussian blobs. --> this is much like probabilistic object detection.
- Mixture of Gaussian (MoG) clustering method. The clustering is solved with EM method. The bbox generated Gaussian blobs have diagonal covariances.
- Gaussians as detections. Search pre-NMS bbox with centers in the ellipse (isometric curve with 2 sigmas). Take the median dimensions of the detections in this set to recover final detection bbox.
- SKU110K dataset has ~150 images per image.
- In densely packed scenes, multiple overlapping bbox often reflect multiple, tightly packed objects, many of which receive high objectness scores.
- NMS is a hand-crafted algorithm applied at test time as post-processing. GossipNet tries to learn this in a new layer in the neural network.